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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2014-12-14编辑:Cinderella点击率:13008

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alities all come to a high peak. The Jingdezhen is 'the porcelains' city' to really sign and make the Jingdezhen kiln ruled Ming and Ching generation's porcelain about few hundreds of years, keep up to nowadays. At that time, various colour enamel porcelain and colour porcelain is the outstanding representative of Jingdezhen-made porcelain level. In the Ching dynasty, the enamel colour is important develop.


The enamel is the colourful porcelain that the Chinese Ching dynasty particularly provides for the use of emperor. The characteristic that fastens to follow the copper foetus painting enamel burns to make of, is at red, yellow, blue and green etc. colour ground up draw is decorated with flower line. The beginning uses western enamel to anticipate and builds to do according to the pure temple a file jots down, Yong positive six years(1728) at build to do an enamel makes inside imitate chain western the enamel is colourful succeed, from that time on even if using domestic enamel is colourful. The enamel colourful china is resisted kiln factory to burn the good thin foetus white porcelain with the view virtuous town, from build to do a view virtuous town painting teacher that the enamel makes to be engaged in a description, the line kind is an all appointed first sketch, painting well behind again go into a heat of fire bake but become. The bottom of the enamel colourful china all writes the style in year and has the blue, rouge colour the heap and anticipates style and green flower style, the form of written has Kai and seal script two kinds of, use 4 words for 'Kangxi or Yong is resisting and make', use 6 words are for 'big pure Qianlong year system'.


The main composition of enamel’s colourful is the mixture of boric acid salt and silicate, at opaque and white and easy fuse of the enamel’s colourful, join just the right amount of enamel that metal oxide dye can immediately become to have colour and lustre to anticipate. The Chinese academy of science that Shanghai silicate research institute to do a analysis and to survey and evaluate on colourful of Kangxi's enamel, first step assurance apply colour element for: The yellow is Ti and iron, the blue is a cobalt, white is an arsenic, fresh and red is gold, the pink is a gold, arsenic, the purple colour is cobalt, gold. On this foundation, and colourful create was more delicate than the five colour porcelain.


The art of Chinese china has a long history, the Chinese china can be used everywhere in modern life. However, Some porcelain usually as the gift during the communication of two countries. It is to represent two national friendly relations. And some as curio article to collection. For example: The Jingdezhen, Tang three colourful, green flower porcelain, Baiyangzun etc.


Until nowadays, the most expensive collection is China up to now of red china, and then call China is red. China is red to is the delicacy in the porcelain, its development be: Be more prosperous than Tang's long sand ki论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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