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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-01-15编辑:hynh1021点击率:3609

论文字数:20900论文编号:org201301131516346356语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




      Chapter One Introduction引言

  1.1 Overview of the Background研究背景
  “教科文组织”(联合国教育,科学和文化组织)于1999年提出“五要素”和“公式”,针对外语教学的质量。“五要素,分别是:政策的外语教学在该国The “Five Factors" and "One Formula" targeting at the quality of foreign languagesteaching was put forward by "UNESCO" (United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization) in 1999. The "Five Factors,are: policies of foreign languagesteaching in the country; students' recourses and quality; teaching materials; teachingenvironment and condition; teachers' quality. The "One Formula" is "teaching quality=[students' recourses and quality (1 point) + teaching materials (2 points) + teachingenvironment and condition (4 points) + teaching methods (3 points)] xteachers' quality,from which something important can be clearly seen that teaching quality is proportionate toteachers' quality: the higher the teachers' quality, the higher the teaching quality. Therefore,improving the overall teachers' quality is the key to the results of foreign languages teaching.Since the reform and opening-up, English education in China has expanded unceasingly,and made remarkable achievement. However, the current situation of English education stillcan not adapt to the construction of economy, the needs of society and education,the demandsof new curriculum and the requirements of English teachers' profession. Traditional Englishteaching attaches more on language knowledge and skills, but neglects the students' practicalability and emotional attitude in language learning. Since the implementation ofquality-oriented educathttps://www.51lunwen.org/gaozhongyingyu/ ion,this problem has never been emphasized so highly. “Improvingteachers' quality,and "improving the comprehensive qualities of a generation citizens" havebecome the consensus of the whole society.

  1.2 Significance of the Research研究意义
  Needs of Society and EducationActually, in the 21st century, the competition lies in competition of knowledge andeducation. Facing the new challenges to implement quality education in an all-round way,the teachers needed must have the qualities of innovation, adaptation, self-improvement andso on. Teachers are required to enjoy not only a high level of education, but also good qualityHigh-school English teachers' quality directly impacts on the students’ Englishfoundation. According to the new standards for English teachers,English teacher shouldcontinuously improve their comprehensive quality in order to meet the needs of educationalreform and the development of the society. It is imperative to improve the English teachers'professional quality, reform educational policies, and specialize the teachers' profession.Only by constantly improving their own quality can the high school English teacher improvetheir English teaching level and can the student accept high-quality English education, whichcan lay a solid foundation of learning English. Building high-educated, high-level andhigh-quality foreign language teachers is of vital significance.

  1.3 Structure of the Thesis论文结构
  With the deepening of the foreign language education, people have realized teachers'poor professional quality 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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