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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2013-11-05编辑:hynh1021点击率:7094

论文字数:21300论文编号:org201311041505017358语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



and which distinguishes it from other kinds of social groups. Essentially, members of acommunity work together, even if they are not always in agreement, toward reaching ashared understanding.Working together on a common project gives rise to intersubjectivity—a sharingof ideas, emotions, and points of view necessary for interaction between two or morepeople (Well & Mejia, 2005). Intersubjectivity must exist if there is to be dialogue andshared understanding (Hernández, 2004), and it is through dialogue that new knowledgeis constructed. Interaction is fundamental to the creation of a learning community, butat the same time interaction, among students, teachers, and content, is the key to deeperlearning (Pe alosa & Casta eda-Figueras, 2010).A learning community has certain characteristics:·Diversity in expertise. The community is made up of individuals with different degrees andfields of expertise. Each member may be an expert in a different aspect of the project.·Shared goals. These are not the same as common goals, where team members look toaccomplish the same objective. Sharing means that the individuals have appropriated thegoals and feel responsible for reaching them.·Emphasis on learning to learn. Metacognition is both a goal of the community, and a wayto create the community (Watkins, 2005).·Mechanisms for sharing learning. Community activities offer the means to share previousknowledge, to develop individual skills, to build collective knowledge, and to make learningprocesses visible (Bielaczyc & Collins, 1999).·Values, beliefs, and common expectations. Members of a community are connected onemotional, intellectual, and pedagogical planes. They provide mutual support, generateshared knowledge, and explore beliefs and experiences about their learning (Petersen,Divitini, & Chabert, 2008).·Interdependence. A community works in such a way that members feel responsibility, notonly for their learning, but for that of their teammates. Each individual depends on thecontributions of the others to carry out the work and generate new knowledge (Bielaczyc& Collins, 1999; Watkins, 2005). Learning communities in the classroom rely on a flexiblesocial structure to develop interdependence (Watkins, 2005). In this way, team memberstake on different roles, sometimes dominating the activities and other times submitting toothers’ opinions. They also vary the way they work- individually, in pairs, or together as agroup.The goal of the learning community is both to foster collective knowledge and to supportindividual learning. What distinguishes a learning community from other types of teamsor groups is the collective effort towards understanding and knowledge building (Bielaczyc& Collins, 1999).From the socio-cultural stance, the term knowledge building is more concrete,complete, and descriptive than learning (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2006; Stahl, 2006).Learning refers to the internal process that results in a change of beliefs, attitudes or skills,and can be intentional or non-intentional. Scardamalia and Bereiter (2006) propose theterm knowledge building to refer to a specific and identifiable event, always intentional,which gives rise to the creation or modification of tangible objects or artifacts. Thus,…the production and continual improvement of ideas of value to a community, throughmeans that increase the likelihood that what the community accomplishes will be greaterthan the sum of individual contributions and 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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