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代写assignment、essay专题指导-最全面的论文写作精要-Preparation-Graduate Statement Themes-Sample Essay-Essay Structures-Style and Tone-Intros and Conclusions-Editing and Revising [74]


论文字数:10241论文编号:org201108231322449721语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

关键词:代写assignment代写essay专题指导最全面的论文写作精要Graduate Statement ThemesSample EssayEssay Structures NowStyle and ToneIntros and ConclusionsEditing and Revising

摘要:代写assignment、essay专题指导-最全面的论文写作精要- Preparation -Graduate Statement Themes-Sample Essay-Essay Structures-Style and Tone-Intros and Conclusions-Editing and Revising

ish and
Communication, programs which complemented each other well. The time I spent in writing
workshops was productive and rewarding. Also, the validation I received-the stories accepted
for RE:VISIONS, the laughter and compliments at Juggler readings- inspired me to keep
I feel that your program provides a nurturing and challenging environment. I aim to develop my
talent, to take more risks, and to let my characters lead me, and I know I can work toward
these goals in a graduate workshop setting with fewer distractions and a more committed
community. I learned quite a bit from [faculty name]. He made me question certain decisions
but resisted the temptation to lecture or exert too strong an influence. I regret that I didn't get to
study with [faculty name]. I think we have similar styles and concerns, Catholicism for one. A
survivor of seventeen years of Catholic school, I find a wealth of material in confessionals,
virgin births, and splinters of the true cross. I know I can write funny stuff, but I want to focus
my wit as pointedly as she does.
Mainly, I'm looking for two years to devote to the work. I expect to be inspired by other
members of the writing community and to form closer working relationships with the faculty. I'm
looking forward to criticism, camaraderie, and even the cold. It builds character, so they say.
The second most important part of your essay, behind only the introduction, is the conclusion.
Just as the introduction had the purpose of drawing in the reader, the conclusion's foremost
function should be to leave the reader with a lasting impression. This section offers guidelines
on ways you can maximize the impact of that impression. These guidelines can be grouped
into three categories, each of which encompasses a lesson on what not to do.
Synthesize, Don't Summarize
The chief difference between these two tactics is that the former deals with themes while the
latter deals with facts/experiences, though there is some overlap. You do not need to recap the
essay paragraph-by-paragraph. You do not need to remind the reader of the experiences you
have discussed (except as individual experiences might be tied to certain themes you want to
You do want to reiterate key themes, but preferably not in a way that merely repeats them.
Instead, in synthesizing these key themes in your conclusion, you should ideally be adding a
fresh perspective. Try to tie themes together and demonstrate how they complement each
other. In doing so, you should always avoid trite and clichéd generalizations.
In this essay, this applicant uses the conclusion to synthesize the second half of the essay. It's
worth noting that he does not mention the content about recovering from addiction, because
he could have tied this in with his renewed interest in public policy. Nevertheless, the
concluding sentences do an effective job of linking his past experiences with his career goals:
"After getting my master's in public administration, I would like to work in the area of economic
development in the Third World, particularly Latin America. The setting might be a private
(possibly church-based) development agency, the UN, the OAS, one of the multilateral
development banks, or a government agency. What I need from graduate school is the
academic foundation for such a career. What I offer in return 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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