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品牌项目管理留学论文主要写什么 [11]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-09-25编辑:felicia点击率:36279

论文字数:16294论文编号:org201409251613477111语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:管理项目笔记本电脑行业消费者感知品牌沟通Notebook PC IndustryConsumer Perception


f brand X is the percentage of interviewees who mention they know the brand.

Laurent et al (1995) point out that for a leading brand, its aided awareness score may be extremely high, not allowing for detections of temporary changes; such changes may be more visible in a spontaneous awareness question. Conversely, if one is interested in a minor or start-up brand, one can be sure that its spontaneous score will be very low, maybe a few percent, not allowing for a very sensitive measure of evolution; its aided awareness will be more sensitive, and therefore more able to detect progresses in brand awareness. In this research, we are going to brand awareness for the four top laptop manufactures with both spontaneous and top-of-mind techniques to explore HP notebook's brand awareness in comparison with three other brands.

Brand awareness plays an important role in understanding the consumer decision-making process. Many researchers assert that brand awareness has a significant effect on brand attitude and encourages consumers to consider products and services of that brand when purchasing (Brown & Stayman 1992; Keller 2003; Macdonald & Sharp 2000; Yoo et al 2000).

Brand Association

MacInnis & Nakamoto (1990) refer to brand-specific association as an attribute or benefit that differentiates a brand from competing brands. Aaker (1990) argues that brand associations are the categories of a brand's assets and liabilities that include anything 'linked' in memory to a brand. Accordingly, brand associations facilitate consumers to process, organise and retrieve information and thus assist them in making purchase decisions. Understanding consumers' perceptions of brands is complex because the multi-dimensional constructs of brand associations are very similar to each other (Aaker 1996; Keller 1993).

Wuk Kwun & Oh (2007) explain that brand strength as brand characteristics that make consumers more or less inclined to the brand whereas Srivastava & Shocker (1991) refer to brand strength as the set of associations that allows the brand to attain a sustainable and differentiated competitive advantage. A constructive brand attitude undergoes a cognitive-affective-cognitive process and is prominent in the information processing and decision-making process (Lutz 1975; Rosenberg 1956).

Generally speaking, brand strength has been conceptualised in terms of consumers' brand beliefs and attitude, generally defined as overall evaluations of a product or brand. According to Aaker (1990), consumers' overall attitude toward a brand is the centre of many conceptualisations of brand strength as well as the basis of brand associations. Marketers take advantage of brand associations not only to position, differentiate and extend brands, but also to create positive attitudes and perceptions toward brands.

However, high-tech corporate brands are rarely the basis of brand research (Schoenfelder & Harris 2004; Chen 2001). Chen (2001) summarises past research on brand association and categories it into two types- product associations and organisational associations. Product associations can be divided into func论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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