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英国硕士经济贸易历史论文 [18]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-09-29编辑:yangcheng点击率:29170

论文字数:12254论文编号:org201409272336287848语种:英语 English地区:马来西亚价格:免费论文

关键词:商队之路丝绸之路Silk Road大集市模型

摘要:本文是一篇留学生经济贸易历史的作业,已知的最古老的商队之路是西亚的丝绸之路。根据出生在伊斯坦布尔的m . Cerasi描述,其结构就像集市一样。 市场不仅仅是购物的地方,这是一个生产的地方并且拥有巨大的经济价值。在这个模型以前资本主义很难区分出集市的财政和工厂价值与文化的区别。

population is living in cities. The main religion of Turkish people, with 99% ratio, is Islam. Nevertheless, Turkey is a secular state, where freedom of worship for non-Muslims is protected under constitutional law. Among the non-Muslim population are Greek Orthodox, Armenian Christian and Jewish people. Needless to say, Turkey is the only Islamic country that has separated state and religious matters by law.

The official language of the country is Turkish. All documents that are to be submitted to the government authorities must be prepared in Turkish.

Compulsory primary education is 8 years. High schools teach English, French, German and Italian as primary foreign languages. As a result of the significant efforts that have been contributed for improving the overall educational level in last two decades, today, the literacy rate is over 90%. The increase in the overall schooling rate, from primary schools to universities, is contributing in developing the background for the formation of the well-educated, hard-working Turkish labor force of the future.


The liberalization and the rapid growth of the economy in recent years made Turkey an attractive market for foreign investors. To invest in Turkey means also, to rely on laws protecting foreign capital, working in a totally liberalized environment, being able to recruit qualified labour force and enjoying convertible Turkish currency and free profit and capital repatriation.


1. Unique geographical location - Turkey enjoys a very special location at the crossroads between East and West, overlapping Europe and Asia geographically. The proxy to the new emerging markets in Middle East and Central Asia creates unique business opportunities.

2. A strong international investment record -The experience of more than 4000 foreign capital establishments, including 104 of the Fortune Top 500 companies, confirms Turkey as a predominant investment location. 3. A fast developing economy - The average growth rate of 6,8 % for the last 3 years prior to 1999, which is well above many OECD countries, implies a dynamic and growing economy. WTO outputs also state that Turkey is among the most dynamic 20 countries in the world trade. 4. A huge domestic market - With a population of 63 million and an increasing consumer purchasing power, Turkey offers a huge and dynamic domestic market to investors. 5. High-skilled, competitive labour - The Turkish labour force is well-known with its skills and learning capacity, and competitive labour rates offer cutting edge for industries. 6. High quality standards - The new quality oriented generation in both manufacturing and services sectors ensures high quality levels. Turkish companies have proven their high quality levels by winning the European Quality Award consecutively in 1996 and 1997 as well as winning the European Quality Award for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. 7. The gateway of energy resources - Turkey is located at the gateway of Middle East and Caspian petroleum and Central Asian natural, which are regarded as the future energy reserves of the world. 8. A well developed telecommunications network - Turkey has a relatively 'young' telecommunications network with the latest technology, which can easily compete with the developed countries.

9. Economic and political stability -论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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