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怎么写关于宏观经济的英语论文 [23]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-10-23编辑:yangcheng点击率:27796

论文字数:13572论文编号:org201410141210053206语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:英语论文Economics Essay工资差别宏观经济


s that are work related. The different causes of data collection is that deaths caused by fire, suicide, murder. Based on the report, it was less than 84 percent of death based on involuntary injuries, 13 percent were due to homicide and the inner bearing 3 percent were suicides. Because of the small portion of the killings that are not covered by any compensation, the authors claim that it will cause some error because the percentage is too small (ibid: 480).


Later they take on a comparison of the two main data BLS and NTOF. By comparing the two data they would discover the empirical differences based on mortality risk. The report, BLS presented contained 3750 work-based deaths in the year 1984. But NTOF had collected an annual deaths throughout 6901 for the period 1980-1984, where NTOF its collection was an 84 percent greater, or in other words, doubling the risk of death. Moore and Viscusi uses data sources from NTOF reported based on the workers' housing and industry, and using BLS data based on only industry (ibid: 481).


They estimated average risk of death for NTOF 7.9 deaths per 100,000 workers, while the same for BLS was estimated 5.2 per 100,000 workers. In some cases it was measured almost 50 percent higher death rates in NTOF than BLS (ibid: 481).


They describe that the estimated risk of death for value of the BLS has a direct impact on the calculation of the valuation of a life. They also point out that the underestimation of the risk of death will lead to an order of magnitude. They assume that the mortality level is similar to that NTOF have measured, and the average of the real risk of death is 7.9 deaths per 100,000 workers. By using the wage-risk trade off that is 0.4 per cent increase in wages per unit increase in risk. They doubled the risk of death to see the effect on NTOF and BLS data. The doubles NTOF their risk of death from 7.9 to 15.8 per 100,000 workers, and this leads to the hourly wage that is $ 7 increase by as much as 22 cents per hour. There, in this case, the BLS, and if 22cent was the case in the BLS, increase in death rate would be only 5.2 deaths and the estimated trade-off between wages and the risk was 0.6 percent. This was almost according to Moore and Viscusi 1.5 times larger than the real trade-off and thus the estimated value of a life was also influenced by this factor and was observed to a 50 percent greater (ibid: 481).


The result that came out hints that by introducing very little observations and no change in the true underlying risk, the estimated trade-off between wage-risk must rise. And if the workers have the same understanding of the reported risk at the time it is published, an increase in the new published statistics lead to an increase in wage, but no change in the trade-off between wage and risk (ibid: 481).


Evidence that is available indicates that workers collect information about risk, and maximize their utility by judgment of the risk (W. Kip Viscusi: 1979) see al论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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