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国民经济核算economics [20]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-12-04编辑:yangcheng点击率:27051

论文字数:11396论文编号:org201411142153375281语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:国民经济核算留学生论文范文国内总储蓄率gross domestic product




Union Budget 2009-10: Logic, Limitations and Prospects


In the wake of the unprecedented fiasco and impasse reached by the global hegemonic system without facing any external threat, many ideological and policy debates are kicking up a lot of dust and at the same time producing some enlightenment all over the world. At the same time in India as the political and other groups digest the implications of the 2009 mandate and its qualitative aspects, the Union Budget 2009-10 seems to have occasioned a debate as also a certain framework for its conduct. True, the corporate sector-dominated media has upfronted the sense of disappointment and some kind of a dismay felt by the well-to-do sections, but there are hardly any signs of a general enthusiasm or a well-informed debate about some of the larger issues opened up by the Budget proposals and their underlying logic and political calculus. Instead of getting lost in the pluses and minuses under various Budget heads, it is our attempt in the following to at least flag some neglected but long-term questions about development policy in general and the fiscal policy in particular as seem to arise from a somewhat novel thrust visible in the present Budget, of course in a somewhat hazy form presently


Alternative Approaches


Given any number of ex cathedra statements and their vociferous reiteration, especially in the form of an agenda of what is tactically called 'economic reforms' expounded with schoolboy enthusiasm and single-minded zeal in the Economic Survey 2008-09, it is easy enough to conclude that the proposals contained in the Budget 2009-10 are nothing but another instalment of the ideas derived from the failed Washington Consensus. For better effect/ credibility, the exponents of such reductionism may as well throw in the statements of some leaders of the G-8, including some neocons, that what the world needs presently is a new consensus, anchored in social entrepreneurship and social regulation. It has to be a consensus that marks a sharp departure from the market fundamentalist position placing full faith in the efficacy of an economy governed by market prices (credited even to price risks efficiently), preferably by border or world market prices, with as little social answerability as can be sustained without inviting total breakdown.


It seems in a highly complex and active political -electoral democracy and structurally, institutionally, behaviourally and operationally highly complicated economy such as that of India, any mechanically drawn conclusions from large narratives appear to be essentially substitutes for analytical examination of the fiscal proposals and their likely interface with the multifaceted socio-economic scenarios. Also such dismissive views fail to appreciate many operational constraints applicable to any incremental exercise, such as the annual Budget of any government. Essentially, the underlying design, socio-economic logic and élan of a Budget is generally much more论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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