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跨国公司对塞尔维亚社会经济发展研究:Pilot project [10]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-12-24编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:22398

论文字数:11010论文编号:org201511251704399556语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:经济增长,Pilot project,Proposed methodology


Serbia, which actually rewards the accomplished employee results. Every year the company rewards its employees with additional 5 % of the company's achieved profits.

Holcim Srbija AD invests between 300.000,00 and 400.000,00 euros per year for the employee trainings. The main goal of the company is to motivate the staff and to take care of their personal development.

For that purpose, Holcim has created the big master plan, which is being reviewed every two years. In this way, the company takes inputs from both the staff and their superiors, and according to the need, development-training plan is being created for every employee.

This is mostly done for the members of the first line management up to senior top management. As far as the other employees are concerned, they constantly have protection at work Education trainings and health trainings.

Company trainings are internal or external - conducted by a specialized agency or the company itself. The company takes pride in its own internally organized trainings, organized by the department of training and development.

Some of the most important types of trainings are:
?Cement production training
?Middle management expertise training
?Management seminar
?Holcim`s environmental protection seminar
?Cement application training
?Branding seminar
?HR & T conference
?SOLVE (solving problems training)
Furthermore, Holcim also runs English language courses since the official language of the company is English.

When Holcim bought the factory only a few people spoke English. Today, the company has over 100 employees who speak English on a very solid level. Holcim continually runs English language courses. Costs are completely covered by the company and employees go from lower to higher levels and they obtain certificates.

Language courses are organized in the early morning hours or after work.

Marketing and relationship with customers and suppliers

Marketing did not exist in the company before Holcim Group took over the plant. The new management introduced marketing as the part of the sales department in the beginning, and it is currently located in the communications department.

Holcim Srbija introduced a system of constant consumer satisfaction follow up, where customers can file complaints concerning the quality of cement or the quality of provided service. It was found very successful since it turned out to be the early indicator of all failures that can occur during the business process.

A special body has been formed for this purpose, which takes care of the complaints.

In 2006, the company had four complaints, out of which one has been accepted (complaints are accepted depending on whether they are or not according to ISO standards).

One of the key marketing strategies of Holcim Srbija A.D. is to improve relations with the customers and suppliers. In order to strengthen communication with the customers, the company management started to publish the magazine called 'Kontakt'. The magazine focuses on the exchange of ideas and experiences. It enables the flow of useful information regarding projects, application of cement and safety at work.

In the dialogue with the customers, Holcim Srbija A.D. takes a very active approach.

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