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跨国公司对塞尔维亚社会经济发展研究:Pilot project [13]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-12-24编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:22403

论文字数:11010论文编号:org201511251704399556语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:经济增长,Pilot project,Proposed methodology


00.000, 00 dollars and completed several different projects significant for the local community:
?Building of facilities for 'Mother and baby' care centre
?Building of gyms, introducing heating systems and drinking water in many of the town and village schools
?Reconstruction of the high school centre
?Sanation of the Hall of sports in Paracin
?New modern vehicles for delivery of communal waste
?Expanded capacities of kindergarten in Paracin
On the other hand, in 2006, Holcim Srbija A.D.was the general sponsor of the manifestation called 'The Summer of Culture in Paracin', which received acknowledgment as one of the best-organized manifestations in the territory of Serbia.

Additionally, the company signed cooperation agreement with the Paracin theatre.

According to the contract, Holcim Srbija is providing its employees with theatre tickets for all theatre performances throughout 2007. In this way, the company indirectly became a regular sponsor of the theatre in Paracin, while at the same time providing its employees with an opportunity to participate actively in the cultural events.

During the previous two years, Holcim was also a general sponsor of the big autumn cross running competition, organised by the Sport's Association of Paracin.

Over 1500 children, age from 3 to 18 participate in this event every year, making it the mass sports event in the municipality.

Another very important mode of cooperation with the local community is cooperation with the universities. Holcim has continuous cooperation with the Serbian universities and the basic idea is that the company gains access to the most talented young individuals and to offer its experience from the practice to people at the universities. The company has a person within the HR department who is in charge of these issues and Holcim Srbija A.D. has signed cooperation protocols with many of the universities.

One of the ways in which Holcim Srbija A.D. cooperates with the universities is that the students do case studies on the company and then present it to the management.

After that, the HR department creates a data base of young talents who would potentially like to work in the company - a talent pool. The HR department keeps in touch with them and sometimes they come to the company to obtain practical experience.

Holcim's managers are always prepared to give lectures and transfer their experience to the, The company also takes part in various job fairs.


Concerning the issue of the technology development, Holcim Srbija is currently working on a big project where it invested approximately 100.000.000,00 euros. It was launched in 2008 and was planned to be finished in 2010, but due to the world financial crisis the company is moving this deadline for 2011. The project is actually referring to the duplication of production capacity for clinker (clinker is a half product in cement industry). So, the company will duplicate the capacity of its production in order to satisfy market demand, which is expected in the future, and one part of production will be exported to Holcim`s factories in Romania and Bulgaria.

Additionally, all equipment in the Holcim Srbija A.D. factories has been automatized in comparison to the period when the factory was in the ownership of the论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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