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跨国公司对塞尔维亚社会经济发展研究:Pilot project [17]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-12-24编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:22409

论文字数:11010论文编号:org201511251704399556语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:经济增长,Pilot project,Proposed methodology


used in the manufacturing process again.
 Usage of the dusty materials in the process of manufacturing is an efficient way to make use of a certain type of waste, which would normally be disposed. By doing so, the company is reducing the amount of dust waste and practically finds another purpose for it in the process of manufacture, which is useful for the company itself, as well as for the environment.
 14.Program has still been applied under the coordination of the Department for Environmental protection.
 Collaboration with the local stakeholders is crucial for the business activities of Holcim Srbija A.D. Application of different programs under the coordination of institutions like the Department for Environmental protection of the Municipality of Paracin is meaningful enough for two main reasons: 1. Local institutions can monitor and supervise the activities of the company and in case there are some actions which are perceived as potentially harmful for the local municipality or people, local stakeholders can react on time. 2. The company itself can conduct its programs in coordination with the local stakeholders and therefore can respond and satisfy the needs of the local community in a better way.
 15.Landfilling of municipal, hazardous industrial waste on the tailings of the quarry is forbidden. There are zones for landfilling of inert and agricultural waste, which are supervised by 'Proguard' 24 hours a day.
 Hiring an agency to secure the site where the agricultural waste is being disposed is highly recommendable. By doing so, Holcim Srbija A.D. is making sure that no unauthorized persons can have access to this zone, which is necessary for maintaining the requested level of safety.
 16.Supply of trucks for municipal waste, necessary for the needs of Municipality of Paracin.
 Supply of trucks improved the conditions of waste transport and handling within the Municipality of Paracin.
 17.Supply of 30 public utility containers for Popovac and 25 containers for the needs of the plant.
 This action was very useful for the local community and the people of Novi Popovac, as well as the company itself , since it significantly helped with the problem of garbage and waste disposal.
 18.Study for possibility of rehabilitation of the ex landfill in Popovac. Remediosiz, consulting house from the U.K. has been engaged.
 For the purpose of rehabilitation of the ex landfill in Popovac, a study was made and a consulting company was engaged to give its contribution to the whole project. This project was set as a long term goal of Holcim Srbija A.D. and is yet to be completed.
 19.Re - cultivation of all 'unusable' areas within the plant's site into parks and maintenance of existing green areas.
 'Unusable areas' of the plant Holcim Srbija A.D. are defined as areas which are not usable for work and manufacture processes. Therefore, the idea to turn these sites into parks and green areas is a positive example how a company can utilize its non-profitable areas and sites and use them as an instrument to contribute to one form of environmental protection.
 20.Re - cultivation of marl and lime-stone quarries. Projects were designed and certified by the authorized Ministry as a prerequisite for getting permissions for exploitation.
 Getting permissions from the authorized M论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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