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跨国公司对塞尔维亚社会经济发展研究:Pilot project [14]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-12-24编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:22407

论文字数:11010论文编号:org201511251704399556语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:经济增长,Pilot project,Proposed methodology


Serbian state.

For the purpose of automatization of the distributing station, the Schneck equipment has been bought. The control building in the proximity of equilibriums has been redecorated and there is also new equipment installed in it. This system enables automatization of the cement delivery system.


The company entered into a Greenfield investment in 2006. for a project of small concrete factories and it opened the first one in Krnjaca in October 2006 (it was an investment worth approximately 2.000.000,00 euros).

It is perhaps one of the most modern factories of concrete in Serbia, supplied with the best equipment and technologies.

Furthermore, Holcim Srbija A.D. has done a lot more with the infrastructure. The company built a new building for the workers; called the ?social building', where they have locker rooms, ambulance and other facilities they require.

Sanitary facilities for the drivers have also been reconstructed and all installations like electrics, water installations, painting etc. have been provided.

Additionally, buildings where administrative staff and projects are located are completely renovated and additionally rebuilt look fantastic.

环境方针——Environmental policy

Having in mind the fact that cement industry produces high level of pollution, from the very beginning Holcim Srbija is extremely active in developing various methods to preserve environment.

'Living in the era of climate changes made companies think about the actions, depending on the area they operate in, which will improve the conditions of environmental protection. Asides from estimating a company through its achieved profits and its involvement in the field of social responsibility, more and more clients are looking at the wider picture of the industry which insists on urgent actions as a counter-force of the results of environmental protection neglect, which we all witness now days. In this way, relations between business and environment become extremely important.' (Ilic Milan, Head of the Environmental Protection Department of Holcim Srbija A.D.)

The company management is well aware of the inevitable impact of cement manufacture on environment and that is the reason why the company monitors emissions of dust and gasses, noise, impact on water and soll, as well as the changes of the geographical status caused by ore excavation, in a serious and responsible way.

'Holcim has invested over 9.000.000,00 euros in ecology, for example, and it represents our long-term vision to do business, since if you observe only short-term goals, you could do a lot of things with this money. Holcim thinks about the community, employees, etc.'(Dzelatovic Maja, director of marketing and communications of Holcim Srbija A.D.)

Therefore, the company management provides a framework for establishment and reexamination of following goals of environmental protection:
 1.Identification of all aspects of environment, monitoring and control of all important aspects. Organization and performance of manufacturing and other activities in compliance with current laws and regulations.
2.Defining and application of internal rules which have not been prescribed by laws and regulations with the purpose of improvement of environmental management s论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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