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国际商务管理留学论文-以印度和中国的外商投资政策为例分析其重要性 [15]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2014-07-15编辑:felicia点击率:16779

论文字数:7178论文编号:org201407132007292619语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:国际商务管理外国直接投资Foreign Direct Investment宏观经济变化macroeconomic changes市场份额


thus tells the part investment rate of the country.

8. China maintained the basic infrastructure on investments in all areas more before than India with large share of investable resources.

9. China explain about the greater ‘development-effectiveness’ which is measured by measured by the World Bank and given in the table below

Table – 9: World Bank Governance Ranking of India and China in Survey for 209 Countries (2004). (Sources: Pieter, B. 2007, p.135)

Since 1980s china’s per capita income grew faster than in India simultaneously on every dollar of GDP even with huge rate of population, at the same time with the low fertility rate it will begin to experience aging in labor force much earlier than in India.

Government regulation when effecting India will restrict product market reforming in order to over come different situations such as: political issues of selection of areas like retailing, news media and defence are not deregulated politically: There are different types of products in different sizes especially in clothing and textiles which are approximately 830 products which still cannot receive FDI and can’t even expand: Some of the market-harder for local companies for new innovations and be efficient towards the country’s economy even with local supply chain remains inefficient and unexposed to the worldwide market skills and talent which may lead to loss of consumers income in whole economy as a general assumption to be considered liberalization of automotive industry and air line industry. The market restrictions is lacking because there is no definite infrastructure. 

For the competitive effect the lack of infrastructure is the biggest difficulty for growth, the physical infrastructure is controlled in a state but regional differences concentrating FDI for some specific regions only. With the implementation of some reforms inefficient will lead to regional parties with a political instability in state as well as central government making development projects. The “electricity shortage” infrastructure is based on electricity act 2003 amid to provide the electricity continuously and only eight states implement this act as low cost businesses. The structure of FDI will attract upgraded telecommunication highways and ports with power, railways, water and swage still major areas to be considered (Slide share 2008).


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