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澳洲Assignment Research proposal [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:调研报告 Research Proposal登出时间:2010-08-06编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:11030

论文字数:1800论文编号:org201008061527106569语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

附件:澳洲 Research proposal.doc

关键词:澳洲Assignment+Research proposal

rganization came out, so they are facing from European and Americas' tremendous pressure. If no integrative organization in the future, the product of Asia does not have the competitive power, cannot sneak in the world market, no strength to bargain with Europe and the Americas, and will lose own status in the globalize process.
It seems countries in Asian should integration, but Asia is difference with Europe, Asia is more complex and difficult. So in this paper, I will compare and contrast the modes of regionalization in Europe and Asia, research challenges and strategies for Asia’s integration. And analyze the main difficult for Asian countries to emulate EU countries.

4. Framework
Here the whole thesis will include abstract, introduction, simply talk about European integration, compare and contrast the modes of regionalization in Europe and Asia, compare difference between Europe and Asia from economic, political, historical, social system, cultural context, religious belief and geographical environment. And then research challenges and strategies for Asia’s integration show the main difficult for Asian countries to emulate EU countries. Finally I will conclude that there has feasibility about the integration of Asia, but can not follow Europe.
In detail, first is abstract, in this part, I will general talk about nowadays the situation about Asia, Europe, and North America, and put forward these two big area integration will bring what effect for Asian status in the globalize process. In more competitive circumstance, which way should countries and areas in Asia should take, may be following the integration of Europe, but it seems really difficult, because there are more difference between Asia and Europe form every aspect.
Second is introduction, I will introduce as a actor, introduce the European integration and excerpt some professional’s articles and ideas to indicate whether Asian integration is a good choice, there are many arguments between different standpoints.
Thirdly, this is the most important in whole thesis, I will clear and detail to analysis and compare Asia and Europe from economic, political, historical, social system, cultural context, religious belief and geographical environment. Detailed Outline:
Chaper1. Origin of the regional integration: theoretical and empirical research
1.1 Source of the theories
1.1.1 Regional integration theory
1.1.2 Regionalism
1.1.3 The cooperative security
1.2 Research
1.2.1 Experience of the Europe
1.2.2 Attempting of North America
1.2.3 Practices of Asia
1.2.4 Inspection of other countries

Chaper2 A comprehensive comparison of Europe and Asia
2.1 Brief of Europe (EU) and Asia
2.2 Economy
2.3 Law system
2.4 Politics
2.5 History
2.6 Cultural context
2.7 Religious belief and
2.8 Geographical environment
Chaper3 regional integration: analysis of the factors deconstruction
3.1 Internal factors
3.1.1 History and cultural traditions
3.1.2 Political and administrative system
3.1.3 Economy
3.1.4 Legal
3.2 External factors
3.2.1 International politics
3.2.2 World economy
3.3 Unexpected factors and the changes in mandatory

Chaper4 Analysis of Regional integration of Asia
4.1 Necessity for a joint Asia
4.2 The possibility of a joint Asia
4.3 Feasibility Regional integration of Asia
Chaper5 Conclusion

5. Research plan
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