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代写加拿大作业-Institutional Structure Process [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-02编辑:lzm点击率:7134

论文字数:3330论文编号:org201406022019058355语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Institutional Structure Process欧盟的体制结构欧洲联盟Council and ParliamentEuropean Union

摘要:This issue may best be suited to a politician and not a lawyer, but what is evident is that the issue is no longer a decision of whether there is a real or perceived deficit in the EU democratic structure but rather the notion that the perception itself represents a clear deficit.

n and expansion.
Whether perceived or real, the arguments of a so called democratic deficit is in principal due to the EU's institutional architecture which promotes a type of circulatory decision making process permitting little input from the European public sphere. To add to this, we have a soupcon of informality in relation to the nature negotiations taking place in the midst of, and within the key policy making bodies of the EU. Collectively, this leads to a less then transparent and on occasion's unpredictable policy making process, a perfect environment for critics of the augment of a democratic deficit within the EU. An analysis of the institutional structure is thus needed to satisfy an ingrained understanding of the so called democratic deficit.
The similarity between national and multi national European governing procedures is that each is assigned with directing opinion, and in due course ,policy and resources into a common field. It can be said that power and influence within the EU structures are argued to be divided, although it argued that the separation of power and influence is somewhat unequal between the European Parliament(EP), the Council of Ministers and the Commission. These governing bodies are intended to keep checks and uphold a balance between each other. Within the member states, citizens have the opportunity to influence EU policy making through their elected officials. The closest the individual comes in directing a policy decision is through their elected representative to the European Parliament.
As noted, the EP has co-decision making authority with the Commission, it is somewhat limited as it lacks binding legislative authority. This practically means that candidates running for the EP may be able to put forth various ideas, however once the are in office, they no real expectations in relation to realising their plans.
[T]he EP itself has virtually no role in constitution making in the EU. The EP is reasonably important in terms of day-to-day policy making within the EU, of course. But it carries no weight in the discussion about the EU, since this is instead a matter for national politicians and national governments and, through these, for the Council and Commission.
Despite this, the EP is increasingly emphasizes itself and is becoming more vocal on matters it actually does have direct control over. This has been recently demonstrated through the disapproval of the newly appointed Commission Cabinet.
The Council of Ministers is composed of the member state representatives and is the main legislative and Decision making body of the EU. The Members of the Council have the necessary of their national parliament to make policy. However, the nature of its procedures is deemed almost surreptitious and is often cited to dwell in lack of adequate member state contribution. Distinctly, this introduces a insight of democratic deficiency within the works of the Council.
With the exception of Denmark and Austria, member states do not allow their national parliaments to exact commitments from ministers before Council meetings, consult them during sessions, or hold them answerable afterward.
Additionally, the introduction of qualified majority voting empowers member state representatives in the Council to manipulate voting procedures to reach decisions. T论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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