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代写加拿大作业-Institutional Structure Process [7]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-02编辑:lzm点击率:7133

论文字数:3330论文编号:org201406022019058355语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Institutional Structure Process欧盟的体制结构欧洲联盟Council and ParliamentEuropean Union

摘要:This issue may best be suited to a politician and not a lawyer, but what is evident is that the issue is no longer a decision of whether there is a real or perceived deficit in the EU democratic structure but rather the notion that the perception itself represents a clear deficit.

information impending EU institutions. Conceivably in the past this may have been regarded as a valuable means of maintaining commandment by the selected forces tweaking the EU engine. Today however, may no longer bear such closed door policies.
This issue may best be suited to a politician and not a lawyer, but what is evident is that the issue is no longer a decision of whether there is a real or perceived deficit in the EU democratic structure but rather the notion that the perception itself represents a clear deficit. The remedy, as suggested, may be a dedication to re-examine any lacking organisational, institutional and systematic clarification that tackles the dark realm which may potentially devour democratic authenticity of the European Union and its institutions.
S Douglas Scott. Constitutional Law of the EU (Longman 2002),
Democracy in Europe : the EU and national polities / Vivien A. Schmidt. Oxford Press, 2006
Understanding European Union institutions / edited by Alex Warleigh. Routeledge 2002
The institutions of the EU, Peterson & Shackleton, Oxford Press 2006
A Follesdal, Democracy and the European Union: Challenges, in A. Folllesdal and P. Koslowski (eds),++Democracy and the European Union++, New York: Springer, 1998
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Programme, Shifts in Governance: Problems of Legitimacy and Accountability, 2004
Peter Mair, Popular Democracy and EU Enlargement, in East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 17, No.1 (2003)
Guy Peters and Jon Pierre, Multi-level Governance and Democracy: A Faustian Bargain?
Charlemagne, A rigged dialogue with society, in The Economist, 23 October 2004


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