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代写加拿大作业-Institutional Structure Process [6]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-02编辑:lzm点击率:7132

论文字数:3330论文编号:org201406022019058355语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Institutional Structure Process欧盟的体制结构欧洲联盟Council and ParliamentEuropean Union

摘要:This issue may best be suited to a politician and not a lawyer, but what is evident is that the issue is no longer a decision of whether there is a real or perceived deficit in the EU democratic structure but rather the notion that the perception itself represents a clear deficit.

br /> This, in turn, could lead to a rather stale or self-serving dialogue or brainstorming between the Commission and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that depend on the Commission for their financial lifeline.
Taking into account the diversity among the European member state populations, with their varying interests and needs, it must be conceded that representation of majority interests is unlikely to take place until a clearly defined European public space emerges. This will only happen once citizens, of both large and small member states, old and new, feel themselves plugged in to a process whose outcome they are able to influence and feel invested in. Among conceptual approaches that may be employed to bridge the perception of a democratic deficit, the following may offer a starting point:
First, effectiveness should be reinstated to a governance process spread too thin in order to house a diversity of players at the expense of preserving democratic principles and attaining effective resolutions to policy problems. Through the establishment of a legal framework, such as the constitutional development in progress, a rigid setting will be endorsed which, in turn, would authorize more equal representation of all partakers. Formal rules, entrenched in constitutional principles, would guarantee equality of representation for those concerned. This would defeat a major fault in the EU's governing structure, which is often more fixed on procedure than result, by illuminating the individual role of the EU's institutions to the public.
Also, in order to re-establish accountability and attend to the problems of transparency in EU institutions, the organization and progression of negotiations should be made formal, and less powerful players should be presented with institutional protection to guarantee their equitable representation. This is principally significant when bearing in mind the lack of access many citizens have due to the lack of practical awareness to commence efficient lobbying operations in the maze of the European institutions, in conjunction with the deficiency of resources and political associations. In order for this to happen, the rule of subsidiary should be fortified, in an attempt to expose the decision making process to all of members.
Furthermore, as a device to improve the tunnel vision phenomena experienced by numerous Eurocrats in the Commission, a cooperative substitution process in which Commission officials commit some period of time reassessing their fields of accountability from a national standpoint, ought to be established. While the Commission has the internship programme as a method for persons to gain knowledge of the domestic mechanism of its institutions by useful work practice, new civil servants ought to donate time in member states which are not their own, albeit within their field of abilities. This would permit civil servants a sense of familiarity with issues citizens come across, and relate these back in Brussels.
Ultimately, the need to incorporate a broader discussion for circulating data in relation to the EU's issues and procedure is paramount in order to establish public engagement. Mass media is an ideal device for this and is effectively utilized by anti-EU enemies.
A majority of the difficulties with public discernment of the EU can be related to the lack of 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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