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代写加拿大作业-Institutional Structure Process [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-02编辑:lzm点击率:7136

论文字数:3330论文编号:org201406022019058355语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Institutional Structure Process欧盟的体制结构欧洲联盟Council and ParliamentEuropean Union

摘要:This issue may best be suited to a politician and not a lawyer, but what is evident is that the issue is no longer a decision of whether there is a real or perceived deficit in the EU democratic structure but rather the notion that the perception itself represents a clear deficit.

his may be according to compressed timeframes and therefore inevitably leads to blocking or vetoing of minority opinions within the Council at times.
Furthermore, with the introduction of qualified majority voting, member state representatives in the Council are further empowered to manipulate voting procedures, sometimes according to compressed timeframes, to reach a decision, inevitably leading at times to a blocking or veto of minority opinions within the Council.
Although the EP must give its approval to proposed legislature by the Council, internal veto powers between MEP's informally makes influence of decisions somewhat easier. Likewise, external veto powers of the Council erode the bedrock of effective decision making since member governments are unwilling to create a stalemate and accordingly use their veto power cautiously. It would therefore be safe to assume that the fundamental difference between national and multi national procedures may be entrenched less in a continuum of opinion but rather who classifies majority interest within national or multi national level spheres.
The commission is granted the power to draft laws and regulations for approval by the EP and Council and due to this power being bestowed upon them, they are seen to be the power house among the European institutions. Various portfolios concerning the authorization of different directorates within the Commission are held by European Commissioners chosen by member governments in consultation with the Commission president. The real drafting of laws takes place behind closed doors by the aptly named Eurocrats, who seldom venture into the territories where Commission polices may ultimately have direct influence. Due to this fact there is a perceived and somewhat materialized democratic deficit.
Instead of harmonizing and interacting with the opinions from the member states' public sphere which ultimately is to be reflected in the making of policy in Brussels, a huge influx of satellite organisations who claim to represent European opinion albeit within their respective fields, has somewhat flourished in the fields of Brussels. These satellites consist of consultants who are in regular contact with the special committees established to provide guidance on particular issues. The problem arises in the situation where they may be evenly out of touch with general opinion to the extent of their numerous counterparts in the Commission.
Due to the complex nature of the EU institutional relationships, citizens are often left perplexed and uninterested in matters concerning their access to rights. Local democracies provide more clarity of the definition where institutional relationships are concerned, often preserved by constitutions or likewise formal frameworks. On one hand, it is often argued that the public need to play a clearer role with greater involvement in decision making processes. This is a logical perception since the outcome of such decisions directly affects the public and public national interests. Contrastingly, the public are represented by elected officials who seldom confer with or question what part the public has to play. This is often defined as the permissive consensus. This process is referred to as such for the reason that Europe is too complex... or too technical, or perhaps even boring, to be of concern to ordinary voters, with the resul论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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