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以网上购物为例谈经济策略和营销战略的重要意义dissertation [14]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-03编辑:felicia点击率:28441

论文字数:11534论文编号:org201504302220124465语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



onal difficulties in brick and mortar stores. However, the requirements of such warehouses are very few (Tesco Annual Report, 2006). Still today, diversification of products and services are on continuous process by adding innovative activities such as movie DVDs directly to door, energy utilities-customers saved money on gas and electricity bills. Customers also utilised e-diets and internet telephony methods to improve their health and lifestyles. In addition, Tesco offered non-food products as a part of expansion of business (Tesco Annual Report, 2006) which further increased the sales and accounts for sixty-six percent of UK online market. (Comscore networks, 2006).it also launched its own computer software to boost up the brand image (Tesco Annual Report, 2006).

4.2.2. Research findings: cross-case analysis

Cross case analysis is generated from series of observations, semi structured interviews and website analysis. Website's interactive features provide a good both way communication channel between customer and retailer. In initial stages, companies designed their websites to provide extra information to customers such as financial information, product details, corporate governance, annual review etc. But in later stage, it has been developed as information resource which provides additional information such as recipes, delivery checking service with post-code or place, store locator, online community links etc..All these features provided to customers to increase sales. The complete information can be classified as Corporate Information: - for example, annual reports, recruitment and financial statements. And Customer information: - for example, product description, technical details, delivery details, store locater etc.

The above strategic development of case retailers shows similarities and differences of their strategies. Two retailers introduced online shopping system well before to other retailers, this has been an added advantages to companies to acquire majority of market share.

In 1997, Tesco and Sainsbury introduced some customer information. In later stages, information exchange became two-way communication channel. Generally, all major features are implemented by all retailers but Tesco being the first and Sainsbury being the second in position for their online web-site development. Tesco and Sainsbury offer similar level of competition at online service. They expanded their website to provide adequate information. In 2003; these features resulted in considerable growth in internet technology and online channel which provide greater level of access to their consumers.

All retailers are innovative to design their online sector, however, Tesco being marginally number one in that area to implement new methods and new online shopping strategies. Analysis revealed that there are similarities among both retailers in website designing features. Tesco and Sainsbury offered e-marketing, loyalty cards point-checker etc innovative features to their internet shopping system.

Some other features were launched such as online customer survey by Tesco and virtual museum by Sainsbury, but they had very less life span. Almost all retailers are using 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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