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以网上购物为例谈经济策略和营销战略的重要意义dissertation [15]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-03编辑:felicia点击率:28444

论文字数:11534论文编号:org201504302220124465语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



similar method of servicing due to lack of differentiation among themselves. But they are well aware of their competitors' web growth and ready to adopt the new strategies implemented by competitors. The degree of information features is higher when it compares to experimenting in innovative features.

E-commerce became stable and matured in retail sector. It started to release its benefits to business filed. Each retailer closely observed and monitored competitors' growth and readily mimics their new features. Information features have been developed into two-way communication models. The recruitment process, customer service and relationship management, and online marketing features revolutionised the online shopping growth. E-commerce became most important tool for development of business strategy for companies. Online shopping system tool blend traditional business and e-grocery business. For an instance, Tesco's customer service served as customer interaction channel to provide operational efficiency for online services.

By analysis of annual reports, 2003 was a major milestone for online retail business. Online sales and innovative activities such as, information to customer, e-marketing etc result in evolution of new trend of online shopping. Although Tesco and Sainsbury were leading online retailers in 1997 but there was no significant development in online sector until 2001. In 2001, vast varieties of products and services are offered to customers this became a pillar for e-grocery business. During 2003, Tesco introduced e-shopping assistant' unit due to increase in product and service range. The complete order fulfilment process was handled by e-shopping assistant.

In conclusion, after examining UK's leading online grocers and there strategic development, evidences show that Tesco as number one market leader. It acquired monopoly in online retail business. The four year experimentation in online grocery field resulted in designing in-store picking and product delivering system. Tesco rapidly covered majority of UK's geographical area. Tesco became idle online retailer. However, Sainsbury is in close competition with Tesco and next in line. But both Tesco and Sainsbury use similar models for home delivering their products. All online retailers are going through several well-defined strategic steps gradually to become one of the major online retailing channels from low level of online activities.

4.3. Customers' Orders Fulfilment:-

Order fulfilment is the main aspect of online grocery business (Boyer, Hult, Splinder & Santoni, 2003; Ellis, 2003). Generally, there are two models for order fulfilment. One is in-store picking system and another is ware-house picking system. (Tanskanen, Yrjola & Holmstrom, 2002). The first method is in-store picking method; in this system products are picked from in-store shelves and then it will be delivered to customers through delivery vans. The second method is ware-house picking system, which is normally automated system. It also called as dedicated picking centres. According to Delaney-Klinger, Boyer, and Frohlich (2003), if we compare both order fulfilment methods, in-store picking system will be profitable than ware-house pickin论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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