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以网上购物为例谈经济策略和营销战略的重要意义dissertation [16]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-03编辑:felicia点击率:28443

论文字数:11534论文编号:org201504302220124465语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



g method for company with limited sales. Shopping experience will be heightened by this method since household goods are delivered from nearest stores. (Seybold, 2001).However, for huge purchases, customers need to compete with normal in-store shoppers. There are more chances of out of stock situations for many products or for high volumes. (Boyer & Frohlich, 2002).

Another model is dedicated-picking system or ware-house picking system. This model is very helpful to minimise the picking cost for huge orders. Products are placed in ware house shelves and picking process is carried out through semi-automated system or fully automated system. Product quality also is ensured in dedicated centres (Roberts, Xu & Mettos, 2003). The ware-house product information is good enough for customers including volume and availability in real-time (Yousept & Li, 2004). Nevertheless, it requires huge initial investment. Building of dedicated units must contain sufficient volume of products, hence it constitute very large geographical area. And automated system instalments and specialised work force is an added investment. It also requires more logistic investment since majority of ware-houses are comparatively far in distance with consumer residence (Roberts et al., 2003).

According to Yrjola, implementing hybrid model to business will be the better method when compare to implementing picking-method in purest form. During 2004, various optimising methods were used to optimise online shopping system in the UK. These experiments resulted good returns to online retailers.

For example, Tesco implemented different experimental methods to choose the best possible method of order fulfilment. Tesco had many different methods.

a) In-store picking method for grocery delivery.

b) For wine delivery, they used both business models. Ware-house system is used to pick up case of goods and then they were delivered to customers via stores. There were some designated stores which will cross stock wines (means the stock will not account into store stock). Afterwards they were sent to customers via shipping.

c) They used company suppliers or third parties to deliver some kind of products such as DVDs, CDs etc.

However, the hybrid model will be beneficial when customer place orders to expected level. This model should be supported by back-end system also. Generally hybrid model will be implemented in geographical area where demand and population density varies time to time. Therefore, there are chances of several designs for different systems' practices and investments. The online grocery shopping systems is a big and important challenge in retail sector. The main factors of home delivery system are sales per area which influence the cost for home delivery. Sales of online shopping are indirectly related to cost of home delivery. Another factor is delivery window proposed for customer in comparison with order volume. These factors constitute a challenging environment to the ware-house system (Punakivi, Yrjola & Holmstrom, 2001)

Sainsbury fulfilled its online orders using dedicated picking method in initiation stages and later it ch论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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