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中国英语学生非谓语动词学习实证研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-09-02编辑:lgg点击率:4962

论文字数:38260论文编号:org201309011557024458语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:The hypothesis of the research is also divided into three points. The first one is thepattern recognition ability of most of the learners in different learning stages actually isbetter than their output ability.

f Chinese learners presents a kind of phenomenon asladder shape, in order to acquire further understanding of the features and problems oftheir English non-predicate verb acquisition, it is necessary to do some empiricalresearch to grasp their specific situation. The present research mainly inspects therespective acquisition situation of the four forms (infinitive, gerund, the presentparticiple and the past participle)in students’ different learning stage. And there arethree specific questions being studied: firstly, whether most of the students in differentlearning stages have better pattern recognition ability than output ability. Secondly,whether their infinitive and gerund acquisition is better than the participles or not, andwhether the past participle acquisition is the worst one. Lastly, whether there are somesignificant differences among different learning stages of students’ grammar acquisition,for example, the learners in higher stage have better acquisition.

2 Literature Review

2.1 English Grammar Acquisition
There are a large number of English grammar acquisition researches at home andabroad within the ten years. English grammar acquisition itself is a complicated seniorpsychological process, according to the research of Anderson (1983), grammaracquisition can be divided into three stages: cognitive, associative and automatic.Larson-Freeman (1991) offers us a new perspective of knowing the grammar. He thinks,grammar including three aspects: 1) form, including morphemes, speech, phonemesform and syntactic forms; 2) meaning, including word and grammar meaning; 3)function, including the social context, discourse context, the tentative plan of discourse.The three aspects are parallel and interrelated with the same importance, and any changeof one aspect will influence the other two. And also from the angle of psycholinguisticsin Larson-Freeman’s opinion, the establishment of grammar knowledge can be dividedinto two kinds: one is the acquisition of grammar knowledge, i.e. The formation incommunication in language use in the unconscious situation; another one is acquired bylearning grammar knowledge, namely the explicit grammar knowledge, the rules whichare usually able to be defined, such as the description of the grammar rules in textbook.This grammar knowledge can be obtained through learning. Also, grammar acquisitioncontains both cognitive micro-processing and macro-processing. Default or explicitknowledge (declarative knowledge) may not necessarily result in grammar errors,butvarious recognition factors such as uncertainty and L1 transfer about grammar itemswill(Yang Zhongxiang, Yang Zhiqing, 2007).

3 Methodologies ...........21-24
    3.1 Subjects......... 21
    3.2 Instruments......... 21-22
        3.2.1 Test......... 21-22
        3.2.2 Questionnaire .........22
    3.3 Procedures......... 22
    3.4 Evaluation .........22-24
4 Results and Analysis .........24-31
    4.1 Results of the test paper......... 24-29
    4.2 Results of the questionnaire......... 29-31
5 Discussions .........31-46
    5.1 Discussion on the test .........31-44
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