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后方法理念综述及对中国英语教学之启发 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-07-30编辑:lgg点击率:4376

论文字数:39100论文编号:org201307291611548322语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts,and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method isprocedural" (Antony, 1963:65). As such, within one approach there can be many methods.Methods are implemented in the classroom through what are called techniques.

Chapter 3 A Review of postmethod pedagogy studies.......... 32-45
    3.1 Studies abroad in the field ..........32-38
        3.1.1 Overview of postmethod pedagogy.......... 32-33
        3.1.2 Achievements of postmethod pedagogy..........33-36
        3.1.3 Insufficiency of postmethod pedagogy ..........36-38
    3.2 Domestic studies in the Field ..........38-43
        3.2.1 Overview of postmethod pedagogy ..........38-40
        3.2.2 Achievements of postmethod pedagogy.......... 40-42
        3.2.3 Insufficiency of postmethod pedagogy ..........42-43
    3.3 Trends of postmethod pedagogy studies ..........43-45
Chapter 4 Implications of postmethod pedagogy on ELT .......... 45-49
    4.1 Macroscopic implications.......... 45-46
4.2 Microscopic implications.......... 46-49


fter waking up to the limitations of the concept of method, we moved beyond methods,entered the uncharted waters of postmethod condition, and took a peek into the still-evolvingworld of postmethod pedagogies.The thesis chiefly discusses Kumaravadivelu's postmethod pedagogy system which, in asense, "seeks to contribute to a true understanding of language teaching methods, in addition tobeing both a critique of, and a corrective to, method-based approaches to languageteaching"(2006a:224). By exposing the problems of method, and by elaborating the potential ofpostmethod, postmethod pedagogies seek to reveal certain options that will lead to areconsideration of the way we conceive pedagogic principles and procedures, and to areexamination of the way we conduct language teaching and teacher Education.Kumaravadivelu(2001) argues that a postmethod pedagogy must ① facilitate theadvancement of a context-sensitive language education based on a true understanding of locallinguistic, sociocultural, and political particularities;②rupture the reified role relationshipbetween theorists and practitioners by enabling teachers to construct their own theory of practice;and③tap the sociopolitical consciousness that participants bring with them in order to aid theirquest for identity formation and social transformation.
One possible way of conceptualizing and constructing a postmethod pedagogy is to besensitive to the parameters of particularity, practicality, and possibility, which can beincorporated in the macrostrategic framework. The framework, then, seeks to transformclassroom practitioners into strategic thinkers, strategic teachers, and strategic explorers. In short,the framework seeks to provide a possible mechanism for classroom teachers to begin to theorizefrom their practice and practice what they theorize.While postmethod pedagogies have made tremendous achievements in theoreticalconstruction, 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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