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assignment: Individual Quantitative Analysis Report [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2010-06-20编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:4380

论文字数:748论文编号:org201006201213025567语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文


re breaking the copyright laws? Music companies would like to know the attitudes of consumers towards this activity and what the main influences are.
 Sales for compact discs have decreased dramatically and your study will delve into the influence of Apple’s iPod on this decrease. While it can be argued that music companies and established artists already earn enough money, local and upcoming artists struggle financially and have difficulty in finding consumers willing to actually buy their product. When the issue boils down to legalities, people that download music for free are breaking the copyright laws.

Data Collection

 To collect the data individually observed wearing an Apple iPod on public transport were asked to complete a questionnaire. 91 responses were achieved equating to an approximate response rate of 30%.

Research Objectives and Hypotheses

 The main research objective of the study was to ascertain where iPod users get their music and what influences their acquisition. The study examined external and internal factors which may enable the research objective to be attained. The hypotheses for the study are as follows

 H1:  Those who believe piracy is ethically wrong are more likely to obtain their music from legal sources
H2:  The younger the iPod user the more likely they are to obtain their music illegally
 H3: The higher the speed of an iPod user’s Internet connection, the higher the probability that the majority of their music will be illegally acquired
 H4:  The more literature the Internet/computer user, the more likely they are to obtain music illegally for their iPod
Provide a brief report containing the following:
An evaluation of the research objectives, hypotheses and methods used
Descriptive statistics for each variable
Appropriate analysis to address each of the 4 hypotheses
Discussion of your findings


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