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新西兰dissertation:从伊朗的汽车产业看corporate strategy的重要性 [16]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-04-28编辑:felicia点击率:23821

论文字数:论文编号:org201504232023517015语种:英语 English地区:新西兰价格:免费论文


摘要:这篇文章通过分析伊朗汽车产业的发展,为大家展示了corporate strategy的重要性,旨在让大家在了解企业战略的基础上掌握dissertation的写作要点。


Protection of Industry

The government general policy to support the automakers is protecting the industry with high tariffs while the number of car imported is limited as well.

As we pointed out in the previous chapter, the experience, quality and competitive price of foreign firms were the main reason to prevent imports and so provide an opportunity for domestic firms to catch up themselves. After following a protection strategy the government has begun to recognise with the advantages of sharing the market with foreign firm if they are seriously looking for the international credits in terms of quality and reliability to become a car exporter in Middle-East. At the moment Iran's automotive industry is vulnerable to real competition; hence the government believes that the door to imports should be opened very gradually and under careful supervision, so they have started with reducing tariffs from 130% to 70%. In five years from the beginning of 2005. Also we have to consider Iran's aim of becoming a member of WTO as an issue which force government to steadily remove all taxes and tariffs.

Foreign Investment

The strategic location and low costs of both natural and human resources that Iran benefits from, make it very attractive for foreign investors. They intend to take advantage of the opportunities for inexpensive assembly projects, but also use the country as an export base for the Persian Gulf states and to take advantage of the Iranian market, but the government policy after the revolution in 1979 became strict about the foreign presence in domestic market in any way, not just in auto industry, but also in other sectors. Notwithstanding of the optimistic and helpful effect of FDI in developing countries, Iranian government is still doubtful and so is fearful of foreign investment in that multinationals may try to get control of domestic firms and so has opened its doors gradually to try to protect domestic firms.

FDI in the Wholly Owned Subsidiaries

Establishment of a wholly own subsidiary in Iran by foreigner is still not allowed, especially in the main industries which are controlled by the state. Accordingly, even in the private sort of FDI in small businesses, the government do not provide the legal security for investors. Thereupon there was never any real attempt to attract FDI into auto sector, excluding the economical and political situation of the region which is unstable.

Joint Ventures

For long period of time, the Iranian government considered Joint Ventures as a way of including foreigners in domestic market and industry which was against their independent policies. The parliament approval to investment in the auto industry in 1992 excluded this option from its industrial privatization policy and so the auto sector remained in government hands to prevent it falling into the hands of foreign multinationals. But after a long debate on the issue of cooperation with multinational manufacturers due to the Iranian firms' need of technology, especially in R&D, the first Joined venture has cre论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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