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论文摘要翻译样本 [3]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2010-01-04编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:6051

论文字数:400论文编号:org201001041945461058语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



regionally peculiar economy so as to popularize new industrialization; to weaken or change the dual economic structure via the interactivities among industrialization, urbanization and agricultural industrialization. Sixth, promotion of new industrialization in multi-ethnic regions depends heavily on the construction of modern ecological civilization, the formation of a system sustained by economic and cultural policies, and the perfection of the institutions favoring market economy. On the whole, the acceleration of industrialization in the multi-ethnic regions is of great importance to the realization of industrialization throughout China, a developing country composed of 56 ethnic groups. The realization of the ultimate goal of common prosperity for all ethnic peoples in China is preceded by the establishment of a new form of industrialization favoring the regional practicality together with the guidance of the general laws of industrialization.
This dissertation provides a new vision for the studies of new industrialization, which has transcended the studies of industrialization merely from the perspective of economics. The ideas coming out of this academic endeavor will be of theoretical value and referential significance to the practices of promoting industrialization in multi-ethnic regions. Meanwhile, a special note must be made that the importance here is attached to the research of new industrialization from ecological, ethnic, and humanistic perspectives, the application of high-tech and information service being just a necessary means discussed and analyzed when needed. Moreover, the advocacy of modern ecological civilization and the emphasis on eco-environmental protection and construction do not mean “ecology for ecology’s sake,” protection of ethnic cultural diversity differs sharply from the cultural mechanism of “protection for protection’s sake,” and the proposition of humanistic values such as equality and justice in the course of new industrialization does not exclude competition and efficiency of market economy system. Last but not least, this research provides just a practical mode for the studies of new industrialization in multi-ethnic regions with Qujing Municipality as a typical example. The practice of Qujing should not be followed rigidly as the only way to realize new industrialization.



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