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议中式英语对高专学生英语习作负面影响及解决策略 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-03-18编辑:lgg点击率:5159

论文字数:38462论文编号:org201309011615299324语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:In the research, the author is attempted to conduct a comprehensive analysis onChinglish in English writing in high vocational schools. Based on the collcctecl data,the adverse impacts and reasons behind Chinglish will be discussed firstly, and thensome measures will be suggested.

suresto deal with Chinglish will be suggested with an aim to improving English learningefficiency.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Former Relevant Researches
Chinglish originated from Chinese Pidgin English (CPE). According toWikipedia, the word of “pidgin” refers to a simplified language that develops in thecommunications between two or more groups that do not have a language in common.It can be seen as a consequence of trade activities between China and the UK. CPEwas widely used in Chinese coastal areas (especially in Hong Kong) in the 19thcentury. At that time, English was not advocated as most of Chinese people regardedBritish as devils, but many people had to I earn English for the purpose of doingbusiness with foreigners. It is under this situation that imperfect variety of Englishwas formed. It does not have any rules, and the basic requirement is to make the otherside understand what you are saying. It was until the end of 19^*^ century, some youngChinese people realized that Pidgin was in a low esteem in the community of British,so they began to leam so-called Standard English.
With the rapid development in all kinds of fields, China plays an increasinglyimportant role in world arena. As an important communicative tool, English enjoyshigh popularity in China, and is learned as a foreign language in all Chinese schoolsand educational institutes. It is known to all of us that environment is of greatimportance to language learners, bccausc it can make the learning more efficiently. Itis a pity that most students have to learn English in an unnatural environment withoutEnglish language and English culture, so they have to resort to the their nativelanguage and culture. As a result, their English production, especially English writings,is difficult to understand for the native speakers. Their English is often of obviousChinese characteristics, that is what we callcd Chinglish.There are so many relevant researches have been conducted at home and abroad.In their researches, Chinglish have been analyzed from different perspectives. Someof them arc focused on theoretical differentiation between Chinglish and ChinaEnglish, such as Li Wenzhong (1993), Xie Zhijun (1995), and Jiang Yajun (1995).Some of them try to explain the causes of Chinglish based on practical teachingexperience, for instance Cai Jigang (1995),and some of them seek to analyzeChinglish from the perspective of pragmatics by combining the studies of Chinglishwith pragmatics and translation theories, for example He Ziran (1988).

Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology......... 28-30
    3.1 subjects....... 28
    3.2 procedures.......28-30
Chapter 4 Research Results and Analysis....... 30-49
    4.1 results .......30-32
        4.1.1 Results from Questionnaires .......30-31
        4.1.2 Results from Compositions .......31-32
    4.2 Analysis on Chinglish in High Vocational ....... 32-40
        4.2.1 Adverse Impact of Chinglish at Lexical Level.......32-35
        4.2.2 Adverse Impact of Chinglish at Syntactic Level....... 35-40
        4.2.3 Adverse Impact of Chinglish at Cultural L论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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