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对中国的快餐店的研究建议 Research proposal-Chinese fast food restaurants [9]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-05-13编辑:cinq点击率:14614

论文字数:4000论文编号:org201405131416458732语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Research proposalfast foodChinese food


o to the new restaurant. Therefore, the discussion might suggest that there may be an opportunity for Fairwood fast food to expand their market in Portsmouth, and Fairwood fast food needs to make effort on the different factors that influence people when choosing Chinese restaurant.

The purpose of this section is to present the general conclusion after the discussions and give some recommendation for Fairwood fast food on their strategy on expanding in Portsmouth; moreover, the implication on the further study would also be indicated.
Overall summary
It can be concluded from the research project that the positive attitude of people toward Chinese food shows there would be opportunity for Fairwood fast food chain to expand their market in Portsmouth. Moreover, in order to expand their market in Portsmouth, there are several factors that Fairwood needs to concern because people’s requirements, such as choices of food, taste of food, quality of food, the price of food, the service of restaurant and the environment of restaurant.
However, though the opportunity for Fairwood fast food is obvious, the competition between restaurants in Portsmouth is very keen. To succeed among many restaurants in Portsmouth, it is necessary for Fairwood to make some changes.
Recommendation for Fairwood fast food
The findings from this research project suggest that there are a large number of people who love to have Chinese food, and people nowadays are demanding healthy food and tasty food. Therefore, Fairwood fast food should make some changes to meet the requirement of native people and attract different people as well:
? Designing a unique selling proposition. Since the potential customers for Fairwood would be people who always have Chinese food, and people who always have their meal in western fast food restaurant such as McDonald’s and Burger King. In order to attract this people, Fairwood could add some western food in their menu as they did in China which may not only makes them different from other Chinese restaurant, but also be able attract people who go to western fast food restaurant. And this characteristic may help Fairwood to stand out of the competition.
?Fairwood fast food should focus more on their lunch and dinner meal since lunch and dinner are people’s main meal in the whole day. Meal in breakfast time and afternoon tea time may also need to be concern, but the time management for meal should be given attention, and if possible, launch a menu which is special for afternoon tea may be helpful to attract people
If it is possible, try to investigate more detailed for the native people’s preference on the taste of food because of difference demanding on food taste for native people. Such as some people would not prefer food with much oil, therefore, avoiding the oily of the food would be important.
Fairwood already have a healthy image in China, and it would also be necessary for Fairwood fast food to keep their healthy image for people in Portsmouth as well, therefore, Fairwood fast food should keep focusing on the safety and quality of food, which would be better for them to provide a healthy image for people.
If it is possible, providing a free delivery service may be helpful for increasing selling. There are a number of people who would like to order food by telephone because they would like to have food at home instead o论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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