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marketing thesis:以乐购等零售巨头为例看关系营销的重要作用 [24]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-06-12编辑:felicia点击率:32504

论文字数:15339论文编号:org201506082049123839语种:英语 English地区:新加坡价格:免费论文



chnology and marketing, but Debenhams was faced with issues such as the oversupply of denim, rising cotton prices and the rise in preference for other garment material (Geoff Lancaster and Frank Withey, 2006). In spite of several failures, Debenhams made a turnaround and became one of the leading clothing manufacturers in the world. The case discusses the international marketing strategies adopted by Debenhams. It also discusses the company's future plans, especially in the post- textile restriction regime. Understanding customer shopping habits is key for any retailer and identifying trends early is crucial to company success. To this end, Debenhams employs a team of 11 analysts. This team serves many different areas of the organization simultaneously and is responsible for researching and evaluating all aspects of the customer relationship, including analyzing customer buying habits as well as marketing campaigns and activity around new store openings (Verdict Research, 2004). For example, when Debenhams is considering opening a new store, its analytics team will assess the store's potential based on a number of factors, such as market size and location. Debenhams strategy of promoting big fashion names in stores is paying off. He recently announced that edgy fashion brand House of Holland is joining the 231-year-old department store chain's stable of Designers at Debenhams (David Stokes and Wendy Lomax, 2007). The most major step lunched by Debenhams was the lunching of iBrochure. The Megaday iBrochure was launched ahead of the Debenhams sale for shoppers to preview what would be available, and to provide Debenhams with statistics on iBrochure activity and traffic directed to the iBrochure during the preview period. On the day of the sale the shoppers can see the product online and order products through online, so there is no pain for the customers to go to the store and buy the product as it is waste of time (Susan Sweeney, 2008). Debenhams are keen to continually improve their offering to their customers and wanted to improve the finesse and functionality of the iBrochure. So this is how the Debenhams marketing strategy to improve its sales by providing more and more facility to the customers.

3.9. Limitations and problems faced during the research

By analyzed Research methodology may give only the idea of the relationship between the customer and retailer but by identifying the limitations a clear idea can be made in real, practical and accurate (D. P. Avasarikar and S. B. Chordiya, 1990). Limitations are like parameters of the boundaries to identify and built the gap between the customer and the retailer. In relationship marketing organizations mainly focus and concentrates on customer satisfaction, since profit is the main motive for the retailer so they should also concentrate on customer needs and demands. If organizations concentrate on quality and needs of customer then they can get the profits easily. But at some parts of the research context they are lagging behind in maintain the relationship in between them.

By representing the several problems faced by research at the same time as undertaking the research(Jakki J. Mohr, Sanjit Senguptha and Stanley F. Slater, 2004). For each and every problem may cause either be handled or 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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