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美国留学论文-体育中竞争的重要性 [14]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2014-08-05编辑:felicia点击率:17779

论文字数:10605论文编号:org201408042144009285语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:竞争精神体育赛事spirit of competitionsporting eventcompetitive conflicts


elping the rich to become richer, and more talent laden thus helping to provide some measure of a high finish in the ensuing season. The deal that brought in Russian billionaire Roman Baranovichi is a clear example of the preceding. Mar. Baranovichi, Chelsea’s new owner, has spent £89million to sign talent as he understands that higher contention yields larger slices of the broadcast pie.

Chelsea’s second place finish has been strengthened by the addition of Didier Dogma, the French League ‘stop player as well as six other talented players, along with new coach Jose Moreno who garnered success in leading Portugal’s Porto to title. The sum spent on wages alone is beyond the budgets of English League Clubs further widening the talent gap between the Leagues.

B. Revenue Distribution

The revenue sharing arrangements between the Leagues differs, and in the case of Premier Clubs the fatter teams get to ply more from the revenue table. The broadcasting income is first divided by 50%, with that amount being evenly split among the twenty (20) Clubs. Thereafter the rewards of a better finish in the standings, and the Clubs popularity with the media disproportionately divide the remaining 50%.

During the 2002 / 2003 season Manchester United sat at the broadcast revenue table to the tune of £175 million. The £1 billion television deal the 20 Club League has , in contrast to the £95 million 72 team deal of the English Football League, points out the inequality. Using the 50% Premier League revenue sharing portion alone means that each Club brings in £20 plus million pounds from this segment, not to mention order of finish, number of broadcast appearances and Cup payments. The imbalance within the League can be evidenced by the fact that the lower level Clubs, such as West Bromwich Albion received £28million. The 44% of income this represent goes a long way to helping Clubs secure and retain talent.

The even broadcast revenue split in the varied Divisions of the English League is not in the same financial universe by contrast. With a pie of only £95 million to divide, English League Clubs primarily reply upon gate receipts and merchandising sales to provide 85% of their budgets. Of the twenty (20) Premier Clubs, sixteen (16) reported operating profits after the 2002 / 2003 campaign, whereas no English League Clubman aged to achieve this end. As if the foregoing imbalance was not enough the four (4) Premier Clubs that advanced to the Champion’s League in 2002 / 2003, Manchester United – Arsenal – Newcastle United and Liverpool shared in an additional £49 million as a result of UEFA. To provide a perspective, the best Division 1 Club in the English League had revenue that was a paltry 1/6th of the average income recorded by a Premier League Club.

Fortunately officials in the Premier League, governing bodies, sponsors, Sky Cable and others, understand the precarious situation that has befallen the English Football League Clubs and how the survival of those teams is important to the entire British sport. This concern also factors in that Premier Clubs are seeking to address their own spending and revenue imbalances. Wage inflation and the stocking of Clubs throughout bidding other team论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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