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语义视角下非英语专业学生中介语研究 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-30编辑:lgg点击率:3224

论文字数:36200论文编号:org201405291142297770语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:As mentioned above, meaning is the core that is interrelated with the interlanguage andsemantics, but the study of interlanguage is mainly focused on the comparison of two languages,and the main field of semantics is the meaning, so the study about the combination ofinterlanguage and semantics is rarely discovered.

esult, we can see thatmeaning plays an important role in analysis of interlanguage, compared with the traditionalmethods. Therefore, the erroneous expressions in the compositions are analyzed by semanticanalysis, of which are three new semantic views and semantic meaning. As many discussionsare done, the problems can be worked out, and some implications can be discovered for furtherstudy.The result and problems in the former part are discussed by the theories of traditionalapproaches and semantics. Finally, some suggestions will be offered for English teaching andfurther study. The research uses the gathered compositions to present the analysis and proposition oftraditional methods, and tries to discover the deficiencies of traditional methods. The totalnumber of errors that is 1036 and the error frequency that is about 12 words are calculated.Then the errors are analyzed by the error causes, in which the rate of interlingual errorsoccupies about 51.64% and the rate of intralingual errors is about 49.61%. In other words, themother tongue is still a great obstacle in interlanguage. To analyze comprehensively, thelinguistic category is also exploited. Vocabulary and syntax are prominent, which both occupyabout 33.45%and 43.05%. At the same time, through the examples that are listed in the abovepart, we can see that the errors are always analyzed by the comparison between the mothertongue and the target language as well as the error itself. However, from semantic views, themeaning that can’t be understandable takes up about 1.44%.


Writing is considered to be an important skill in the study of language. Many different errorscan be reflected in writing. In the process of examining the non-English majors’ compositions,some special errors show that the problems and difficulty in expressing meaning. In order toanalyze the erroneous expressions from semantics, three new semantic views are considered.The first semantic view that the meaning can’t be understandable is the most prominent andserious, and this view will directly hinder the language communication; If meaning can beunderstandable, but some words, sentence patterns and logical thinking are not suitable, it mightinfluence the meaning expression and language communication; if the meaning can beunderstandable and suitable, but there are some problems on grammar, so this might also affectthe comprehension of meaning.In order to discover the real reasons for generating the erroneous expressions, and to discoverthe function of meaning in constructing the language, the erroneous expressions in the students’compositions are also analyzed from the three semantic meanings, which are lexical meaning,propositional meaning, and constructive meaning.
Reference (omitted)


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