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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-05-25编辑:vicky点击率:179

论文字数:22666论文编号:org202405161823513629语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter 1 Task Description

1.1 Selection of the Source Text

Firstly,Stop Overthinking,written by Nick Trenton,is a book that gives tips andtechniques for dealing with stress.It can help those who are tormented by overthinking toreduce stress and get rid of depression.The translator is interested in this topic,becauseshe also faces academic pressure and is plagued by anxiety in life.If people can notadjust themselves properly in the face of heavy difficulties,they may easily suffer fromsome mental illnesses.The translator hopes that this book can help the readers gain adeeper comprehension of the state of overthinking and cope with it more effectively intheir daily lives.She also hopes that the book can help people adjust their mindsets andface stress in a more positive way.

Secondly,in Stop Overthinking,the author describes some ways that can overcomedepression and anxiety,for example,The 4A’s of Stress Management(avoid,alter,accept,adapt),Time Blocking and some other methods.The author provides methods that arerelevant to people’s lives and suggests approaches for different situations.People who aredeep in overthinking can choose a way that suits them.The author also analyzes anxiety-producing situations that may occur at work and in life so that it is more helpful forpeople to get rid of them.

Thirdly,this book belongs to the type of informative text and its main function is toconvey information.After reading it,the translator feels that the source text is difficult tounderstand in terms of words and linguistic logic.According to the requirements of translating informative texts,the readers’understanding and reaction are supposed to beprioritized to achieve the purpose of conveying true and effective information(Newmark,2001).The target text needs to ensure truthfulness and clarity with the aim of enhancingthe its readability.In the process of translating such texts,the translator’s ability totranslate and analyze the sentence structure is improved.It lays a solid foundation forfuture translation work.


1.2 Analysis of the Source Text

This chapter mainly introduces the content of the source text,the core idea,theauthor’s purpose and background of writing.Besides,it also introduces the linguisticfeatures of the source text from several perspectives.

1.2.1 Introduction to the source text

Stop Overthinking,published in the year of 2021,is a book that focuses on the issuesof stress in modern society.The author Nick Trenton believes that there must be somereasons causing the stress.One of the reasons he takes into serious consideration isoverthinking.He analyzes the causes of overthinking and the ways to relieve from it.Thebook is composed of six chapters with 76,000 words.In the first chapter,the causes ofoverthinking are described,mainly from the psychological perspective,thinking modeand environment.The second chapter describes the methods that can help people relievefrom overthinking.The third chapter deals with how to manage the time and energy input.The fourth chapter is about how to relieve stress by doing some physical andpsychological exercises.The fifth chapter is to rebuild people’s thinking mode.The sixthchapter is to change the attitude towards stress and the rules of emotion论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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