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广告设计中空间和时间的重要性 The importance of space and time in the design of advertising [14]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-07-06编辑:felicia点击率:41474

论文字数:17304论文编号:org201407061204367610语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:advertisingpublic relationsguidelinesdrawbackadvantages and disadvantages


gotiation and tailoring before appearing on a Web site. "That's not coming through an exchange," he says.

Others disagree. Such high-end ads represent at most 10% of the ad market, counters AdECN CEO Bill Urschel. "And everything else is up for an exchange."

2.8 Some practical challenges involved in space planning and allocation:

* A method for displaying information on an electronic billboard, comprising the steps of: providing a first electronic billboard at a first location; coupling a first information handling system to the first electronic billboard so that the first information handling system can control information to be displayed on the first electronic billboard; providing a second electronic billboard at a second location; coupling a second information handling system to the second electronic billboard so that the second information handling system can control information to be displayed on the second electronic billboard; coupling the first and second information handling systems to a third information handling system over the Internet; selecting, via the third information handling system, which of the first and second electronic billboards will display the information; uploading the information from the third information handling system over the Internet to the information handling system controlling the selected electronic billboard; and displaying the information on the selected electronic billboard, wherein the selected electronic billboard is selected from a list of available electronic billboards which includes the first and second electronic billboards, wherein the list includes a map of the first and second locations.

* A method as recited in claim 1, wherein the map is displayed on the third information handling system.

* A system for displaying information on an electronic billboard, comprising: means for providing a first electronic billboard at a first location; means for coupling a first information handling system to the first electronic billboard so that the first information handling system can control information to be displayed on the first electronic billboard; means for providing a second electronic billboard at a second location; means for coupling a second information handling system to the second electronic billboard so that the second information handling system can control information to be displayed on the second electronic billboard; means for coupling the first and second information handling systems to a third information handling system over the Internet; means for selecting, via the third information handling system, which of the first and second electronic billboards will display the information; means for uploading the information from the third information handling system over the Internet to the information handling system controlling the selected electronic billboard; and means for displaying the information on the selected electronic billboard, wherein the selected electronic billboard is selected from a list of available electronic billboards which includes the first and second electronic billboards, wherein the list includes a map of the first and second locations.

* A system for displaying information on an electronic billboard, comprising: means for providing a first electronic billboard at 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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