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广告设计中空间和时间的重要性 The importance of space and time in the design of advertising [16]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-07-06编辑:felicia点击率:41471

论文字数:17304论文编号:org201407061204367610语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:advertisingpublic relationsguidelinesdrawbackadvantages and disadvantages


are part of the Internet.

* A computer program product adaptable for storage on a computer readable medium, the computer program product operable for displaying information on an electronic display, comprising the program steps of: receiving over a first network first information and a designation of a first target display; and sending the first information over a second network to the first designated target display, wherein the first information is accompanied with a time when the first information is to be displayed on the first designated target display, wherein the first designated target display is selected from one of a plurality of target displays to which the first information could be designated, and wherein the first and second networks are part of the Internet.

* The computer program product as recited in claim 9, further comprising the program steps of: receiving over the first network second information and a designation of a second target display; and sending the second information over the second network to the second designated target display.

* Wherein in the receiving step the first information is accompanied with a designation of a second target display, and further comprising the program step of sending the first information over the second network to the second designated target display.

· A space selling program product adaptable for storage on a computer readable medium, the computer program product operable for uploading content to an electronic display, comprising the program steps of: receiving content; receiving a designation of a target display device to display the content; and receiving a designation of a time that the target display device is to display the content, wherein the second receiving program step further comprises the program steps of: outputting information on whether the target display device is available to display the content; permitting a selection of the target display device if it is available to display the content; and preventing a selection of the target display device if it is not available to display the content.

· A space selling adaptable for storage on a computer readable medium, the computer program product operable for uploading content to an electronic display, comprising the program steps of: receiving content; receiving a designation of a target display device to display the content; and receiving a designation of a time that the target display device is to display the content, wherein the third receiving program step further comprises the steps of: outputting information on date and time availability of the target display device to display the content; permitting a selection of the target display device at a selected date and time if the target display device is available to display the content at the selected date and time; and preventing a selection of the target display device at the selected date and time if the target display device is not available to display the content at the selected date and time

2.9 Sell Print Newspaper Advertising Space:

Selling print newspaper advertising space is a somewhat complex task. Before even picking up the phone to pitch ad space to potential advertisers, they have to make sure their ad sales system is firmly i论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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