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澳洲堪培拉大学论文题目:物理学中使用计算机模拟的高效性 [8]

论文作者:jessica论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-11-11编辑:jessica点击率:10246

论文字数:5061论文编号:org201411101541372683语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:物理physics计算机模拟computer simulations高效efficiency


ng effectiveness of simulated laboratory experiences in promoting conceptual understanding of physics learning are described in detailed.

Experimental Design

This study will operate an experimental research design. The independent variable is the type of instructional technique; these are: using simulated laboratory experimentation (USLE) or using hands-on laboratory experimentation (UHLE) and the dependent variable of this study is students’ conceptual understanding score. Students in the simulated laboratory experimentation form the experimental group and students in the hands-on laboratory experimentation are the control group.
The study will employ a static group pretest-posttest design. Before the intervention, all participating students will take a pre-test and the pre-test scores will be used to analyze students’ prior knowledge about projectile motion on a test performance. The post-test scores will be used as the dependent variable and in the analyzing the data, each individual’s pre-test score will be subtracted from his or her post-test score, thus permitting analysis of gain or change. Then, the application of the same instrument twice will provide me evaluate the change in their conceptual understanding in the topic of projectile motion by using a misconception test (see sample questions of English version in Appendix A). Also, the comparison of pre-post test results will provide data for quantitative analyses.

In high school curriculum, the projectile motion unit is conducted over a 4 weeks period and the administration of pre-test will be at the beginning of the semester, not at the beginning of the projectile motion unit. In addition, the post-test will be administered at the end of the 4 weeks period and between the beginning of the semester and the end of the 4 weeks period, there is about two months time duration. So, this duration of time between pre- and posttesting is sufficient to control and to decrease the possibility of a testing threat for constructing an educational research (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2003, p.183).

As mentioned, a pretest-posttest, static group design will be utilized in this study. I do not need to utilize a quasi experimental design which is based on matching. Although it is more effective design than static group design, since the members of each matched class were assigned to the classes with equal proportion of their CGPA (that is cumulative GPA) of 9th class during determining mathematics-science sections by the administration. So, according to the statement of school administration, all individuals who want to attend mathematics-science program are assigned to each classes with equal proportion, especially considering CGPA of 9th class and gender. In that case, application system during class formation provides this study control subject characteristics.

Then, the design for instrumentation is figured as shown at the below.

Hands-on lab represents the control group, applying physics laboratory work based on hands-on (X1); simulated lab represents the experimental group, applying physics laboratory work based on computer simulations (X2). (X3) group will be administered both hands-on and simulated laboratory application together and lastly, (O) represents the misconception test about projectile motion which provides to measure conceptual understanding of students.论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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