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澳洲堪培拉大学论文题目:物理学中使用计算机模拟的高效性 [9]

论文作者:jessica论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-11-11编辑:jessica点击率:10245

论文字数:5061论文编号:org201411101541372683语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:物理physics计算机模拟computer simulations高效efficiency



I planned to conduct this study with all 11th grade level mathematics-science grade students in three different public high schools in Ankara; however, since MEB only permitted to administer in one school; the accessible population of the study is all 11th grade level mathematics-science program students in Mehmet Emin Resulzade Anatolian high school. I preferred this school, since the students in this high school are familiar of simulation supported instructions since MEB has had on trail effectiveness of simulation tool: NOVA for science education at that school. I planned to observe all five mathematics-science classes; however, since the school administration does not let to use all classes, I will observe the physics courses of 3 mathematics-science classes that are randomly selected from available 5 classes. Then, total numbers of the samples are about 86 and both male and female students that are going to participate in the study with ages ranging from fifteen to seventeen years of age.

The study will employ convenience sampling, because the school is a public school, I have no chance to manipulate the members of the three treatment groups that will be assigned randomly from five classes. So, I can only conduct this study with the available students from the randomly assigned three classes. In that case, randomly assigned first group includes 28 students that forms the experimental group and the 28 USLE are composed of 13 female and 15 male; randomly assigned second group forms the control group with 28 students and 28 UHLE are composed of 12 female and 16 male and lastly, third group will be administered to both hands-on and simulated laboratory experimentation together with 30 students.


As I have mentioned, I have two treatment groups and I had planned to apply this study by including three classes, because first random class will be instructed by using simulation labs (USLE), second random class will be instructed by using hands-on experiment labs (UHLE) and the last class will be instructed using both simulation and hands-on experiment (USLE&UHLE). Simulation will be used after application of hand-on experiments and same physics teacher will attend to all three classes to control the treats that should be resulted from the instructor.
For control group, necessary hands-on laboratory experimentation equipments will be provided with necessary numbers of the students and for experimental group, computers and computer simulations will be set on all students’ tables that is the lecture will be instructed in computer laboratory where there is enough computers for all members of the class.

Computer Simulations

The simulations were selected from the online-free website which is name is the physics education technology (PhET). This website is made by the physics educators at University of Colorado at Boulder. Since the simulations are freely accessible for all instructors and learners, and also, simulation packages can easily downloadable, in this study, I selected some simulations in ‘Projectile Motion’ package and will use them as a learning tool. This package includes topics related with projectile motion; these are: angle, initial speed, mass, kinematics, acceleration, position, velocity, gravity, motion and air resistance. The student论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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