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英美文学论文修改范文 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-09-19编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:15403

论文字数:6462论文编号:org201009191807419283语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


Mark Twain says,“I was born in an isolated small village named Florida in Missouri on November 30, 1835. My parents moved to Missouri but I can’t remember the accurate years because I wasn’t born yet then and couldn’t control so many. There were exact 100 persons in the village and the population increase up to 1% for my born. Through the ages, there maybe no cherished worthies have made so great contributions to a small town, even Shakespeare couldn’t make it, which is so unprecedented. But I made so contribution to Florida”(Twain 2).
ⅠMark Twain’s information 按照第一页提纲中的提示改这部分
A .Mark Twain introduction:
1.writing career introduction
Mark Twain, whose original name is Clemens, had to abandon his studies and began independent living when he was 12 years old because his father died then. He has ever worked as a typesetting apprenticeship in a printing, newsboy, sailors, pilots on ships and other occupations. It is said that you can’t buy a moment poor with even so much money. Suffering childhood made him to learned to be bold in the face of difficulties and this rich experience has also been the nutrients of his future creation and also set the basis for his works. The American Civil War broke out and ended his career at the helm. Clemens has become a reporter of Virginia City "cause" and the San Francisco "Morning News". In 1863, he began to use "Mark Twain" as his pen name to publish some communications and humorous piece. "Mark Twain" is a jargon used on the river with the meaning of "depth of two," that is 12 feet in depth, on which condition ship can go safely through.
  Since then, the hardworking Mark Twain gradually grew to one of the most important writers in the history of American literature, who create a generation of writing with his humor, funny and ironic style; he was good at combining the fine blocks of realism and warmly lyrical of romanticism and at putting the real Description of human’s inner and humorous exaggeration. Such writing with the color of a strong personal style has won him a worldwide reputation. Mark Twain's novels show the most purely American temperament, for which Faulkner called him "the father of American literature."
2. Brief assessment
Mark Twain is the founders of the American literary realism criticism, and is a world-renowned master of humor; on one of his early lecture tours he was billed as ‘The Wild Humorist of the Pacific Slope” (Ian 89) .He has left us with a lot of well-known works of humorous style, such as "Running for Governor" "My experience as the Clerk to the senators ", "millions of pounds", "the dog's readme" and so on. These works are short while with the style of shrewish, saucy, strong and of interest throughout. It is for this reason that George Bernard Shaw had unreserved praise him as “the master of language". 
关于书名号:英文中没有书名号! 也不是用双引号,书名斜体或者下划线
  Mark Twain stepped into literary debut when "humorous literature" is prevalent; his success is that he skipped simple “witty” away from "humor" and put an "higher ideals” on humor, "make it with funny while others should do it seriously".注明出处! Ironical was Mark Twain’s powe论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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