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A Childhood That Matters Cultural Studies term paper [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-04编辑:Cinderella点击率:10533

论文字数:4301论文编号:org201507012117047908语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



companies have dedicated their research expertise and knowledge in finding more realistic projections. From CGI to the house-hold Blu-ray player, we are now determined to take imagination and storytelling to the next level.

Holography has been developing for more than five decades and during that time; there have been sudden spikes in interest and periods in time where it has been used for artistic reasons. The beginning of its uses in the commercial world and by regular folk as well as in the development and betterment of the technology used has many details.

The following time line is a brief text on the most important years and the reasoning for this in the life of holography.1947- Denis Gabor a British/Hungarian scientist invented the theory of holography where a 3D image of an encoded pattern of data in a precise beam of light can be stored on photometric film. The set back was the sunlight and conventional lighting of the time was not suitable to put this theory into practice.

1960- The pulsed ruby laser, producing pure and intense light was operated by the US physicist Theodore Maimen. This not only was the solution to Gabor's problem but also helped with holographic portraiture due to the laser's ability to capture fast events.

1962- 1908's Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Lippman's work on colour photography helped Yuri N. Denisyak creates a hologram that was visible under an ordinary light bulb. Only small images were produced though as it lacked depth in its projections.

1962 to 1963- Holography is made more realistic. Emmett Leith and Jusis Upatnieks followed up on Gabor's work, resulting in the first laser transmitted hologram of a 3D object.

1966- Leith and Upatnieks together with Fritz Goro a photographer deliberately created a holographic image of geometric solids to show the ability of viewing it from all angles. This was made for the LIFE magazine.

1967- Conduction Corporation in Michigan explored the commercialization of holography. The first major commercial hologram of chess pieces on a board in mass production. Also Larry Siebert, a worker at the company created the first hologram of a person. This sparked the interest in artsy holography. Bruce Nauman and Salvador Dali collaborated with the company to create new pieces of holographic art.

1968 to 1969- Numerous artists explore holography and exhibit their work.


- Conduction Corporation closes its holography laser facility due to financial crisis.

- Cross and Pethick find a solution to expensive isolation tables, making room for cheaper ways and the availability of facilities for other artists and armatures.

- Cartier jewelry store in Ney York uses holography for its window display.


- The Nobel Priz论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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