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A Childhood That Matters Cultural Studies term paper [7]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-04编辑:Cinderella点击率:10534

论文字数:4301论文编号:org201507012117047908语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



a coffee joint. So it is proven to be the ideal place for both an urban fast pace life style as well as a kick back relaxed one.

The consumer base I choose to aim my product for are the higher income level and middle income level, mostly adults of the ages 20 and above. Since holography is therapeutic and seeks to take you back in time to a memory that helps relax and inspire you, this age group seemed ideal. The service will be of a considerable expense due to the use of advanced technology. But this too will depend on the product package they purchase.

The project has a secondary demography as the funds generated will be sent to help homeless children in Sri Lanka. Even though it is not marketed to this secondary demography and there is very little notice taken of their needs, the whole purpose and inspiration are these children. The importance of generating enough funds to make a change in their lives is crucial.

Holoxica is a contemporary company in search of holographic solutions for numerous categories. They make and sell both 3D holograms and holographic display. It was found by Javid Khan and is a subsidiary of The Scottish Microelectronics Center in Edinburgh.

Their product include games, entertainment, advertising, accessories, aerospace, architecture, custom made holograms, design, graphics, real image and science. They claim to be pioneers of 'true 3D'. The newest product was the Star Wars inspired 3D moving hologram suspended in mid-air.

The vision and mission of the company is to increase accessibility and affordability of holograms and to become the leader in custom and standard holography worldwide. They serve a demography of scientists, designers, engineers and artists mostly.

Excavated from a tomb in Thames by archeologist Alexandar Rhind in 1857 is the Rhind mummy, which was CT scanned but never opened. A hologram of the mummy's bust was made by Holoxica, and was on display in the National Museum of Scotland till May 2012 and now at the MIT Museum till September 2013.

The holographic animation of the secrets revealed of the interior- gender, age, height and etc.- was one of Holoxica's biggest success. Holoxica worked with Dr. Martin Connel, visualizing engineer and DR. Elena Kranioti, Forensic Anthroplogist. The possibility of never having to open the ancient treasure and still being able to view the inside as a 3D image is another innovation of the times.

Another product Holoxica is popular for is the 3D image of the liver that they have made possible to produce. It helps cure liver issues by making it easier to access and view parts of the patients' liver in 3D. It helps detect tumors and other diseases easily.

The process works by first scanning the organ using an MRI scanner, and then it is developed into a 3D format on screen and then after printed on a special plastic coated frame. It is a 3D image in a 2D plane. The product won the Nexus Scotland Collaboration Award on November 2011. I论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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