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A Childhood That Matters Cultural Studies term paper [6]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-04编辑:Cinderella点击率:10536

论文字数:4301论文编号:org201507012117047908语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



s and failing business growth in European markets, Cisco is doing better in the USA. Dividends of 75% yielding 32% making it one of the highest in the tech industry, it beat Wall Street's forecast of the year.

Due to economic turmoil there are many layoffs, but John Chambers, the CEO seems to be confident of the choices made and goals decided on for the coming year. BusinessWeek quotes Frank Calderoni, Cisco's chief financial officer 'it comes down to a competitive situation and what we have to offer' speaking of the sever action taken towards individual competitors.

You may ask why SriLanka? Cisco is yet to capture the Sri Lankan markets, so why risk a brand new product in this island? When researching on how holograms and more specifically therapeutic holography could help the community I found that the suicide rate of young adults was very high in comparison to the rest of the world. As published on the World Socialist Web Site on September 2012, SriLanka's highest rate of suicide is found between the ages of 15 and 44.

According to Dr. Fernando, the reasons for this high rate are emotional distress, violence, alcohol, mental and physical illness and most commonly sudden changes in their lives. This of course is quite a broad classification, but one thing for sure is that SriLanka has one of the highest rates. In 2001 it was the worst in the worlds with a rate of 55 per 100000 and in 2011 it dropped to 16 per 100000. Still remaining to be one of the worst. The year had 37770 deaths by suicide. People are not made aware of the tragedies due to the government choosing to cover most of it up as it hiders the public image of progressive economic plans. The Colombo Telegraph also supports these rates in their articles and feedback from readers; it speaks of the suicide rates of women in the country. This is worse than China and only similar to that of Korea.

The site I have chosen is the Laksala building at Baudhdhaloka mawatha in Colombo 4. It is a Vshaped building found in between two main roads. Bo trees surround the place bringing shade and a cool atmosphere with a sense of calm and great foliage even though city traffic passes by throughout the day. The traffic pattern surrounding the site is heavy as people use the two roads surrounding the building on their way to work and back. Since the roads lead in and out of Colombo many middle to high income earners of working age pass by.

A key reason I chose to have the project here is because of the neighboring sites. The UN is based opposite to this building, and due to the funds generated going for homeless children it seemed appropriate. Also the Air Force headquarters is found opposite, providing a fair amount of security. Since the project consists of expensive technology and a requirement of privacy the Air Force together with a string of homes of high ranking government officials down the street provides this.

The building is used by Laksala to sell Sri Lankan designed clothing, ornaments and etc. The business helps preserve and develop traditional skill of the craftsmen in SriLanka. The site is also shared by Barista论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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