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A Childhood That Matters Cultural Studies term paper [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-04编辑:Cinderella点击率:10535

论文字数:4301论文编号:org201507012117047908语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



become real. It also revolves around creating imaginary worlds, to live within and experience using holography. Even though it is of a much larger scale when compared to my proposition, the idea of a holodeck has since been brought up repeatedly in time. Holography technology is yet to reach this level of sophistication, thus this project is an experiment of the limitless possibilities of it.

Today, holography is at its initial stages but is becoming popular as the quality of what is seen improves. Musion Eyeliner became popular using holograms, or rather the Pepper's ghost method, to project holographic figures at entertainment events such as fashion shows and live concerts. It is today bankrupt but continues to operate as it too sees the scope of holography in the coming years. Holoxica another company based on holographic technology provides a range of holographic solutions from archeology to gaming and more. They too seek to provide accessibility and affordability of holograms.

Many individuals as well as companies are researching holography, like the world always had since the 1940s. And the range in products has been growing as people look to serve niche markets. Once holography was mostly used for art, but today it is more popular for science and medical assistance.

Apart from science and art there are also archeological purposes, medicinal purposes- known as medical imaging, entertainment performances and shows, advertising and marketing, gaming, 3D Arts and sculptures, architecture, interior design and engineering.

Gaming has become a money pit for many software developers, thus it is no surprise that hologram gaming is now a possibility. Only it is still at the beginning stages and there is no strong grasp over it. Microsoft is working on an immersive display for gamers, using projections of the scene creating a panoramic image on all walls of the room. It is not holography but it is compared to the Holodeck. There will be success in adding holograms to make the experience even more real in the near future.

The investor I have chosen for the project is Cisco, the multinational organization that designs, manufactures and sells networking equipment, who has also invested in Musion Eyeliner. The project will be an experiment to study the profitability and science of holography when extended further.

Cisco's objectives for the fiscal year of 2012 include increasinginvestments in partners to help in growth and profitability, It also seeks to satisfy and meet demands of the changing and evolving markets through the Cisco value incentive program. These two objectives amongst a number of others show a likelihood of the company investing in this project proposal. It already partners with Musion Eyeliner and will see the slow but constant growth in holographic experimentation, research and build into the entertainment industry.

The year 2012 brought a 56% increase in profitability of the branch in San Jose California together with an increase in net income. It is stated that even though due to negative economic condition论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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