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A Childhood That Matters Cultural Studies term paper [8]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-04编辑:Cinderella点击率:10531

论文字数:4301论文编号:org201507012117047908语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



t is now available for doctors to use. Javid Khan tells the press in a conference that the company is now researching and going to make possible the hologram of other organs as well as the entire human body.

The brand or rather the shared value system of my project to both its users and its innovator will be the idea of a memory being a key inspiration or 'yuj', the Sanskrit word for yoga. It is believed to be a time that you become intimate with your inner being truly understanding our individual human nature, come to terms with our limitations and help us transcend our energy to what really matters.

The clients will share the belief of therapeutic memories and the importance of every child having the opportunity to make these memories whether spoiled or homeless.

Apart from the philosophical belief, the project is also for the millions of tech adorers and holographers of this time. It is a memorial in its own way for all those years of research and risks taken to help build holography. Since Gabor's findings in the 1940s, we have explored the possibilities of holograms, failing and rising repeatedly with the years. Therapeutic holography which is yet to be discovered is the imperative product of this project.

In search for an impression that speaks of the essence of the whole proposal and something that represents the many ideas as a whole. The experience in itself is what I tried imagining when searching for concept. The idea of bringing a memory to life and then re-living it at will.

I found the phrase 'afterimage' when studying art that leaves an impression. I realized not only did we all have an afterimage of all the memories we have but it also leaves an impression on the visitors' mind when leaving the building. An afterimage is an image left behind in your mind that continues to be there even after the experience of a particular moment has ceased. It is also what you see when you close your eyes. It is individualistic to every person.

If I could succeed at leaving an afterimage of the experience my project brings to its consumer, I believe the idea of making memories and re-living memories will makes its own cycle.


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