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计算机辅佐语言习得基础之高中英语听力教育概述 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-07编辑:lgg点击率:3398

论文字数:38620论文编号:org201405071144287467语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:With the quick development of computer technology,middle school Englishinstruction has been required to adopt computer assisted language learning in thelistening and speaking classes,in which advantages of computer could be fiilly realizedby providing students with more vivid learning materials,adjustable schedule,controllable teaching procedure and effective learning assessment.

ect is evidently interdisciplinary by nature,and it has advanced slowly to findeffective ways to use the computer for instructional objectives across a wide range ofcourses,with the increasing importance of knowledge and width of application inlanguage learning leading to a much more specific area of study.Considering the scope of what may occur in CALL, a definition containing itschanging essences is any process in which a language learner uses a computer in order toenhance his or her language proficiency. (Ken, Beatty. 2005)As a matter of fact,in the early time, CALL originated from CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) and CAL (Computer-Assisted Learning).CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) can be defined as learning by using thecomputer. However, it is not necessary using the computer with a language learningpurpose. The term "instruction" in CAI suggests a teaching method focuses onteacher-centered aspect.CAL (Computer-Assisted Learning) is similar to CAI referring to learning of anysubject that resorts to a computer. On the other hand, in contrast to CAI, CAL emphasizesthe learner.

2.2 Studies on application of CALL to listening teaching
Since the beginning of applying computers into language learning, researches onCALL have already been done by some researchers and experts all around the world,especially in America. These are the scholars who have done researches on application ofCALL to listening teaching,such as: Thomas, White,Boehin, Brown, Chpaelle,9 Jmaieson, Fox,Hietken,Sullivan, Klein,Kinzie, Sullivna, Berdel, Mosle,Perez,Whitef Peterson, Sellers, Oetobe,Polloek, Sullivna Relna, etc. I'll give more exactscholars who major on the application of CALL to listening teaching.Sciarone (1994) made an investigation into the influence of computer-assistedteaching in Dutch listening by experiment. They found computer-assisted teaching couldfacilitate students' listening achievement in cloze exercises.Brett (1996) made investigations into the emotional scope of multimedia forlistening skills and the quantitative gains afforded to listening comprehension throughmultimedia. The results of the study strongly favored that learners tended to believe theycould learn effectively from multimedia and learning with the assistance of multimediacould facilitate autonomous learning. Brett (1997) made a survey in listeningperformance in a computer-based multimedia environment. He compared success rates ofon the learners' comprehension tasks and follow-up cloze tests after he employed threedifferent media. Finally, results of learners' performance on the exact same tasksindicated it was more effective for students to have good comprehension and recall whileusing multimedia than either audio or video plus pen and paper.

3. Application of CALL to listening teaching..........     16
3.1 Aspects considered in choice of listening materials.........  16
3.1.1 Difficulty of listening materials......... 16
3.1.2 Contents of listening materials .........16
3.1.3 Interaction of listening materials.........   17
3.2 The tenets of listening teaching based on CALL.........17
3.3 Description of Listening Teaching Model based on CALL.........     18
3.4 Design of teaching procedure.........   21论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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