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计算机辅佐语言习得基础之高中英语听力教育概述 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-07编辑:lgg点击率:3397

论文字数:38620论文编号:org201405071144287467语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:With the quick development of computer technology,middle school Englishinstruction has been required to adopt computer assisted language learning in thelistening and speaking classes,in which advantages of computer could be fiilly realizedby providing students with more vivid learning materials,adjustable schedule,controllable teaching procedure and effective learning assessment.

r /> 4. Research Methodology .........     26
4.1 Study purpose......... 26
4.2 Subjects .........  26
4.3 Instruments .........  26
4.4 Process of data collection......... 27
4.4.1 Experiment data collection......... 27
4.4.2 Observation data collection......... 28
4.4.3 Process of the survey through questionnaire......... 28
5 Results and m.........29
5.1 The results and analysis of experiment .........29
5.2 The results and analysis class observation......... 29
5.3 The results and analysis survey......... 31

5 Results and analysis

5.1 The results and analysis of experiment
The test result is shown in Table In order to ensure objectivity of the tests' results,the parts of answering questions and retelling listening content are judged by twoteachers and the final scores are average. In Table 1, the t value in the listening pre-test is 0.876 < 1.664, when P is 0.05, this tvalue has no notable significance,which indicates that before the teaching experiment, thestudents in both classes have the same level of listening competence. T value in thepost-test is 5.32>2.368. When P is 0.01,the t value shows there exist obvious differencesbetween the two classes of students in listening competence. The average score of theexperimental class is 80.14,which is 5.84 higher than the average score of the controlledclass, a score of 74.2. The difference in post-test is not an accident, which proves the newlistening teaching mode based on CALL is more efficient than the traditional listeningteaching mode in the aspect of improving students' listening competence,


From the above statistical results,we can see after a year's teaching experiment,listening competence of the students in the experimental class is obviously higher thanthat of the students in the controlled class. The result of the experiment shows that it ismore efficient for teacher to carry out listening to help students improve their listening bytaking up the new listening teaching mode based on CALL class.There is clear sign that the new listening teaching mode not only helps studentsimprove their listening competence but also strengthens their English listening interestsas well as their cooperative learning ability. According to the survey after the experiment,75% students in the experiment form the habit of cooperative learning, some studentseven experience the joy of cooperative learning and autonomous learning, which has apositive effect on their future English learning.
Reference (omitted)


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