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高中英语阅读方法运用之年级差别调研分析 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-23编辑:lgg点击率:4432

论文字数:38120论文编号:org201308231431261672语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:Based on the relevant theories and studies of reading strategies, this investigation mainlyfocuses on the English reading strategies employed by senior high school students and the gradedifferences in English reading strategies application.

acter,cognitive style, and learning tasks varied with grades, the author wants to find out whether thereare grade differences in English reading strategies application. To this question, the author hasinvestigated the usage of English reading strategies among three grades in Jiaonan NO.1 SeniorHigh School, which mainly aims to find out the grade differences in English reading strategiesapplication.

1.2 Significance of the Investigation
According to the analysis of the data collected through questionnaire, interview and classobservation, the author tries to find out the English reading strategies employed by senior highschool students and the grade differences in English reading strategies application.Finally, by analyzing the results, the author hopes this investigation can enhance students’awareness of reading strategies application in their English reading process, help students tomake a more efficient reading by using strategies and then improve students reading ability.Through filling out a questionnaire, students can monitor and evaluate their own usage ofEnglish reading strategies by which they can find out the shortcomings in their strategiesemployment in order to promote students enthusiasm and initiative in strategies application inreading process.This investigation is expected to provide some empirical references for English teachers insenior high school. Affected by traditional concepts, some teachers still use the force-feedingmethod in teaching. They do not understand what students really need. In fact, by the currentresults, teachers can find out regulations of students’ reading strategies application. Then theycan find appropriate strategies training methods which are suitable for students in reading. All inall, the author hopes these findings can offer some useful implications for future research andpractice.

Chapter Two literature review

Reading strategy is closely related with learning strategy. It is an important component oflearning strategy. The researches on reading strategies started in the late 1970s, which arose onthe basis of learning strategies. So the current literature review of reading strategies should bebased on the studies of learning strategies. There are three parts in this chapter: second languagelearning strategies, the definitions and classifications of reading strategies, and the previousstudies on the differences of reading strategies application home and abroad.

2.1 Second Language Learning Strategies
The research of second language learning strategies started in the middle of 1970s. Shudingfang and Zhuang Zhixiang (1996): Rubin is one of the inaugurators. In 1975, Rubinpublished his classic paper on “What the ‘Good Language Learner’ can teach us”. According toobservations of learning behavior, questionnaire and interview, he investigated the learningstrategies employed by successful learners. Since then, the second language learning strategieshave attracted a great deal of attention of linguists. Our country’s research in this field startedlater, but progress has been made. In recent years, the numbers of research institutes andresearchers engaged in this field have been steadily increased.

Chapter Three Methodology.......... 31-36
    3.1 Research Purpose.......... 31
    3.2 Subjects.......... 31-32
    3.3 Instrum论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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