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基于顺应性视角剖析中国英语创造 [2]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-08-13编辑:sally点击率:4049

论文字数:20000论文编号:org201208131320502280语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:The author finds out that foreignization is more popular than domestication in creating China English .There are various adaptations in China English, which are influenced by language-internal and language-external factors.

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[7]Kirkpatrick. A.&Xu Zhichang. Chinese Pragmatic Norms and China Englishes[J].World Englishes, 2002, 5(21):2.

摘要 5-8
Chapter 1 Introduction 8-11
    1.1 Background of the Present Thesis 8-9
    1.2 The Objectives of the Present Thesis 9-10
    1.3 Methodology 10
    1.4 The Structure 10-11
Chapter 2 Literature Review 11-28
    2.1 Previous Studies of China English 11-20
        2.1.1 The theoretical study of China English 11-16
        2.1.2 The practical study of China English 16-18
        2.1.3 The study on the adaptations of China English 18-20
    2.2 Adaptation Theory 20-26
        2.2.1 The main idea of Adaptation Theory 20-21
        2.2.2 Three properties of language: variability, negotiability and adaptability 21-22
        2.2.3 Four angles of investigation 22-24
        2.2.4 Rationality of applying Adaptation Theory to the study of China English 24-26
    2.3 Summary 26-28
        2.3.1 The importance and limitations of previous studies 26-27
        2.3.2 The necessity of the present thesis 27-28
Chapter 3 Methodology of the Present Thesis 28-51
    3.1 Introduction to the data 28-32
        3.1.1 Source of the data 28-29
        3.1.2 The categories of the data and examples 29-32
    3.2 Data analysis 32-49
        3.2.1 Translation strategies in creating China English 32-38
        3.2.2 The frequency of translation strategies in creating China English 38-49
    3.3 Summary 49-51
Chapter 4 The Adaptations of China English 51-72
    4.1 Adaptations to communicative context 51-59
        4.1.1 Adaptation to the mental world 51-54
        4.1.2 Adaptation to the social world 54-58
        4.1.3 Adaptations to physical world 58-59
    4.2 Structural Adaptability of China English 59-63
        4.2.1 Adaptation to Chinese language 59-61
        4.2.2 Adaptation to English language 61-63
    4.3 Dynamic adaptation of China English 63-71
        4.3.1 Temporal adaptability 63-66
        4.3.2 Adaptations caused by changes of context and translation purposes 66-68
        4.3.3 Adaptations caused by changes of translator’s knowledge and pr论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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