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从英译汉的实例分析看英汉思维方式差异 [4]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-09编辑:黄丽樱点击率:13263

论文字数:5760论文编号:org200904091523581794语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:comparisonmode of thoughtlanguagesEnglishChinese英汉思维对比语言英语汉语

d attributive clause, subjective clause, objective clause and predicative clause. The conjunction words include coordinative and subordinate conjunction such as: and, or, but, while, as, since, until, so…that…, unless, lest etc. which are used to connect words, phrases, and clause. When we are writing English sentences, these conjunction words are commonly used and cannot be neglected. But in Chinese these words are seldom used. [11] p102 (2) Example two: English original: It’s not surprising then that our partners on this continent are more concerned with the development potential of sustainable energy. Chinese version: 因此,我们在本大陆的伙伴更加关注可持续性能源的发展潜能也就不足为奇了。 The English version belongs to the “It + be” sentence structure. According to the Cardiff Grammar by Huang Guowen(黄国文)and Fawcett, this kind of sentence structure is called “enhanced theme construction”.[12] p27 According to what is stated by Peng Xuanwei (彭宣维), there are three kinds of enhanced theme construction. “…there are three kinds of enhanced theme construction, which are experiential, evaluative and existential”. “… the so called experiential is the cleft sentences,which is called predicated themes by Halliday” [13]p27 So according to the theory above I think the phrase “It is” is not the thematic build-up. Besides “it” is also a typical hypotactic marker in English, which stands for subjective clause. In English such kind of sentences is commonly used for their special functions. Such structure can avoid presenting all the important massage at the beginning of the passage, and it takes the function to make the sentence better understood. The conjunction word “then” after “not surprising” is the second hypotactic marker in the sentence, which means “so” in the sentence. It is rightly translated to “因此” to show the close relationship between this sentence and the following ones. In Chinese the word“因此” is used to be the first word in the sentence ,which clearly predicate its relationship with the content above. The word“that” is the third hypotactic marker that follows. “not surprising” is the identified, so the word “that” clearly marks that the content after it will be the object that the identifier refers to. As for the Chinese version though it is a kind of paratactic language, there are also many hypotactic markers in the first paragraph. I think the reason is that the passage selected is scientific exposition instead of essay. We know that in scientific exposition the logic is required strictly, for the authors should clearly state the relationship between the details. Below I will select a short sentence from an essay to show the paratactic characteristics of Chinese. (3) For example: Chinese original: 不必说碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑葚…… English version: I need not speak of the green vegetable plots, the slippery stone coping round the well, the tall honey locust trees, or the purple mulberries.[14]p154 From the comparison between the Chinese sentence and its translation, we can also see the features of parataxis and hypotaxis. In Chinese, there are no conjunctions, and phases are connected by meanings. For its English translation, with the use of hypotaxis, subject structures are decided to be the center of sentence pattern, so “I”, the subject, is added. So we may see from the example that for Chinese parallel structures their paratactic meani论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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