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从英译汉的实例分析看英汉思维方式差异 [5]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-09编辑:黄丽樱点击率:13262

论文字数:5760论文编号:org200904091523581794语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:comparisonmode of thoughtlanguagesEnglishChinese英汉思维对比语言英语汉语

ng can be translated into hypotactic connection according to the English habits. From the comparison above we may see that English and Chinese form different sentence structures. When making sentences, Chinese people prefer the method of taxis, while western people prefer construction method. In English sentences, many conjunction words are used to link sentence components around the subject and predicate, so we may see the sentences are expended from the core words. From this we may see that Chinese is a paratactic language that contains many implied meanings between the lines. Only in simple sentences can the author express abundant meanings with artistic conceptions. 3.4.2 Preposition The preposition includes simple ones such as: with, in, of etc. and the compound ones such as: inside, onto, upon, within etc. and phrasal preposition such as: according to, along with and apart from etc. According to the statistic by G.. Curme there are about 286 prepositions in English totally. Preposition is the most active word class in English language, which is the main means to connect the words, phrases and clauses. [15]102 R.Bander has pointed out that “…Over ninety percent of preposition usage involves these nine preposition: with, to, from, at, in, .[16]102 The number of preposition in this translation is as followings: the first paragraph the second paragraph NO. in English 20 12 NO. in Chinese 4 4 So from the table above we may see that there are totally 32 prepositions in English to show the slight relationships, which are more than that in Chinese. But in the Chinese version there are only 8 prepositions, most of which are transferred from verbs. Gao Mingkai(高名凯) once pointed out that the Chinese people don’t like to use too many empty words without basic meanings, and they just dispose of the things and meanings in order to lead the readers to understand the connections between them. Most of the Chinese prepositions are “borrowed” from verbs, and strictly speaking, for the so-called European-oriented preposition indeed most of them are not the truly preposition.[17] p18 As a matter of fact Chinese prepositions are influenced by western languages and seem to have the characteristic of proposition. In Chinese some propositions are originally verbs such as “在”、“向”、“进”、“到”、“沿”、“拿” etc. These propositions are always omitted especially in spoken language. (4) For example: English original: Renewable sources then will help to address the social inequality across the globe that we see in the currently marked and unacceptable difference between rich and poor nations in terms of access to and use of energy supplies. Chinese version: 在能源供应的选择与使用方面,我们看到富国与贫国之间存在着今人难以接受的显著差距,再生性能源将有助于消除这种全球性的社会不公。 In the English original the prepositions are :to, across, in, between, in, of, to and of one by one, while for the Chinese version there are only three prepositions, which are 在……方面, 与……之间, 于. Prepositions -- the hypotactic markers which are more commonly used in English can be clearly seen from this comparison example. But this doesn’t mean that the Chinese people speak without logical reasons, for without the proposition we can also understand the meaning implied in them. In the Chinese version without any conjunctions and many prepositions the author only simply connects three phrases without any hypotactic mark between them论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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