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medical thesis范文(中英文对照文章) [14]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2015-06-17编辑:felicia点击率:24200

论文字数:22438论文编号:org201506082101382550语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



its important role to stimulate the number of facilities.

Dutch health care system is largely funded by a system of public and private insurance schemes. This is taken into 88% of the total funding, the rest of fund comes from taxes, out of pocket payment and voluntary supplementary health insurance. The first compartment as I noted above, is mandatorily applied, with few exception, for everyone living in the Netherlands irrespective their nationality, all nonresident employed in the Netherlands and subject to Dutch income tax covered by the act. The second compartment covers people with annual salary below statutory threshold ( 32.600 in 2004) and all recipients of social security benefits up to age 65 years. The second compartment covers normal necessary care. The third compartment covers the supplementary forms of care that is regarded as less necessary. This is applied to cover the care which is not included in the first or second compartment, therefore the costs are largely covered by the private medical insurance.

Since 2001, the health care expenditure has risen to 9,1%, this in line to EU-15 average level. This number is tripled since 1980. Compared to other EU countries, health care expenditure per Dutch person is about EU-15 average. Spending from the hospitals accounted 25% of total expenditure, while expenditure from nursing homes, home care for elderly and home care institutions constitute 30% of the total expenditure. Spending on health care (hospitals etc) is relatively stable over time, by contrast, the social care has increased over time.

One of major problem that is faced by the Netherlands is longer waiting lists to receive treatment. In 2001, around 150.000 people were in waiting lists and more than 92.000 of them waiting for longer than a month. By the October 2001, the number has increased to 185.000 people. Treatment of orthopaedics, ophthalmology and plastic surgery were contributing to the long waiting lists. Plastic surgery had the longest waiting time with 12 weeks of diagnosis and 23 weeks for treatment. Dutch reported that  3,2 billion loss per year because of waiting lists. To solve this problem, the government provided extra funding to where waiting lists occurred. As a result, in May 2004, around 95.000 of total 139.000 people in the waiting list, can be treated within four to five weeks. 20% of the people on the waiting lists cannot be treated because capacity problems and 12% refused to be treated because personal or medical reasons.

Family physicians play important role as gatekeeper on the primary care. Gatekeeping principle means that patients do not have free access to specialists or hospital care unless in case of emergency. The impact of this principle is the low referral rate because the vast majority of medical problems can be treated by family physicians. In 2003, the average number of people per family physicians has reached 2300. This makes physician has a great deal of time talking to patients, explaining their problems and discussing various treatments. This results low prescription rate in which prescription given only half of all diagnoses. The secondary and tertiary care is mainly provided by medical specialists in the hospital. About 40% of the population visits medical 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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