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从伊丽莎白一世的婚姻看现代爱情观 [3]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-04编辑:黄丽樱点击率:10776

论文字数:5404论文编号:org200904040909084682语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Lovemarriagediplomatic policyinterests爱情婚姻外交政策利益

versatile. We cannot imagine the brilliance belonging to the girl who lived in an endless terror. In her temperament, she did not avoid the jealousy and hesitation belonging to a woman. However, these are just a skimming over the surface on the part of Elizabeth. After the decline of Spanish armada; after the conceited Scotland queen being put on guillotine, after her lover losing her pardon, who dares to underestimate the iron decisiveness and will hiding behind her indecisive veil. Just because of the inherited, combined temperament with man and woman, she could always overcome all the dangers and pull them through. Then growing in the circle of Britain, she was in a complicated situation. Besides those, the generosity of Elizabeth which benefits Britain is a counteraction to her bloody father and sister. It is such the counteraction that produced a rare peaceful period and varied cultures, and also produced such masters as Shakespeare, Marlowe. But it also ruined her happiness as a woman—marriage is too terrible for her, the tragedy made by her father was a shadow in her love world. She stifled her marriage by herself and swore not to marry for all her life. Her decision is much fashionable. Because it was a time that dominated by men. Even her people agreed that they would feel relieved if she depended on a man. After she ascended throne, parliament pleaded her to choose a husband, wishing her leave a successor for British royal family. However the queen did not give them any response. At last, when parliament begged her with the same request again, she put on a ring and said: “I have contributed myself to a husband, his name is Britain.” The intelligent queen took the weakness of female as a chip in her political balance. She asserted that she would keep virginity, but at the same time, she took this trump card out when it is necessary. An American historian Will Duran said the most secret diplomatic methods for Elizabeth are her unmarried life. She ever said: “I hate the idea about marriage, the reason would not be revealed even to a twin sister.” Yes, she abhorred marriage. Because if she married, she had to share her throne with her husband, so she did not want it to be shared. Another reason for it is that she experienced more in her early years, she thought nothing could make her feel safe except power. Compared with an ordinary family life, maybe she preferred to hold power in her hands. For her, throne was everything, she could sacrifice everything to strengthen her power, including her marriage. While on the other hand, she treated marriage as a chip. She put the cover of marriage in front of the covetous men across the world—Spain, France, the dependencies of Britain and so on. All of them could not escape from her diplomatic net. Just as her body was a mysterious axis, the destiny of the whole Europe was turning around it. Because of these factors, she was on the list of greatest monarchs in Britain history at last. Elizabeth I had the ambition as well as the ability of politics, diplomacy and military science. Her characteristic was putting all her energy and soul in to the imperial affairs. Her personal love was full of romantic sentiment and it experienced the endless struggle between the emotion and senses, the alternative between love and worry. But for throne, she did not hold the hands of love, making her love flower wither from day to day. She missed the chance on love affairs, but did not miss the opportunity 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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